I’m going to start a series called “Sunshine,” where I just share with you the joys of my recent life. It will help me look for sunshine, whether it be something small like eating ice cream or something big like a miracle from God Himself. I also want to share more pictures with you guys, so this will be a great way to do that.
Here’s how I’ve seen sunshine in the past couple weeks:
Playing with my beloved boys Cayden and Reed at a family get-together. Let me tell ya, trying to get a (good) photo with these two rascals is quite the task. Here’s try #2
Here’s try #4:
It was also fun watching the boys play with bubbles. Here’s Cayden trying it out:
And one more of little Reed. How can you not love this face?
A friend and I met for supper one night after work, and I got this little delicacy: a baby chocolate creme pie. I wished wish it had been a full-size pie. I definitely could have ate the whole thing. It’s not that good of a picture because I took it with my phone. And I, unlike most of you, do not own a smart phone so the pictures I take it with it aren’t awesome by any means.
One night I was walking home from my parents house and the cows were all up against the fence. They were all watching Callie play-fight with her best friend Bella. They were watching like it was a movie. I found it strange. But I took the opportunity to pet one of the cows since I don’t get that chance very often. It was just one of those little love notes from God. Another photo taken by my phone.
One day Aubrey and I randomly drove to the closest convenience store and bought ice cream treats. I chose this Snickers bar!
The day it came out, I went to the store and bought it. Tobymac’s new album — Eye On It! Have I mentioned I like Tobymac? My favorite songs, so far at least, are Forgiven, Made for Me, Thankful for You, Steal My Show and Favorite Song. If you haven’t heard any of those, check them out. But my all time favorite on this CD is Speak Life. I feel like it’s the theme song for this website!
That same day, I bought a new book. “Coming Home” by Karen Kingsbury came out in July. I finally own it. I also own all the other books in the Baxter family series — all 23 of them (if I counted right). So once I read this book, that entire story of a family I have come to love will be over. So sad. But luckily, I still have plenty of other Karen Kingsbury books to read. Have I mentioned she’s my favorite author?
I got to bake mint chocolate chip cookies and eat some too!
Other great parts about the last couple weeks:
- Playing canasta
- Playing a prank on a co-worker
- This song from Tenth Avenue North’s new album (my favorite song right now, especially during those hard days)
- Spending an evening with the ladies of my family, eating and chatting
- Eating beef and noodles with green beans, applesauce and beer bread from a local diner — so delicious!
- Our sermon at church this Sunday — so good!
How have you been seeing sunshine in the last couple weeks? It’s important for us to look for the sunshine, even if it feels like we’re being surrounded by dark clouds. So think back, and please share.
After being away from my friends and family all summer, I saw sunshine when I was able to go home for two days and visit with them. I was also able to see sunshine as I stopped by one of my favorite BBQ places on my way to MO!
Thanks for commenting God bless America. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one seeing sunshine in my life. I hope you had a great time with your family and friends. I’m sure it was a fun time! And I love BBQ, so I can definitely see the sunshine in that! Wishing you safe travels to MO!