My plan was to keep up with the Sunshine Series every week. It’s not a good sign if I’ve gotten behind already! Oh well, here’s a list of all the ways I’ve seen sunshine since the last time I posted:
- One night I went over to my cousins house and the three of us laid on top of the roof — star gazing, drinking hot chocolate, chatting and laughing a lot. It was such a great night. We even saw six shooting stars. Even though it was night, I saw more sunshine during this moment than I have all month — definitely an unforgettable memory.
- I had a date night with my mom one evening. We went to a new restaurant, which wasn’t a huge hit. But they did have really good fried pickles. Then we went to a play that was hilarious. It was a lot of fun. Plus, I just love visiting with my mom and getting to chat and catch up on the ride there.
- One day, I received a special package from my friend in Australia. It was really special, and I was so excited!
- Fall is here! Fall is my favorite season, with spring as a close second. I am really loving getting to wear scarves again — so many bright, beautiful colors!
- One night, some friends from church and I went swing dancing. I hadn’t been swing dancing in almost two years! It was a blast! I love getting to dance with really good leads who know how to spin, twirl, and dip me until I’m breathless. I’m really hoping to go back as much as possible.
- After conducting an hour-long interview for a freelance job, I went to IHOP to begin working on the piece and get some delicious breakfast food. I usually don’t like eating at restaurants by myself, but this time it was really enjoyable. I got half of my article done, and the pancakes were tasty!
- After wanting one for about a year, I finally bought myself an earring holder. I got my ears pierced only a couple years ago, but now I have a ton of earrings. They were taking up so much space. Now I have a great way to display them and take up less space. I even color-coded it, so it’s easy to find what I want. Every time I look at it, I just feel happy.
- Since fall is here, all my favorite TV shows are starting back up. There are also some new shows beginning that I think are going to become my favorites.
- I received a thank you card from someone after writing a story in the newspaper about something they asked me to cover. The card was purple with a big butterfly on it. I love the color purple. I love butterflies. I love cards. I love when people are nice and appreciate my work. In fact, I wanted to send this lady a thank you card for sending me a thank you card ha!
- One night, I went over to my cousins’ for some barn volleyball. My uncle turned the upstairs of his large barn into a basketball/volleyball court. The other half of the upstairs is a hay loft. I just love living in the country. Anyways, there’s a group of people who always come over and play volleyball in the barn. It’s fun and can get pretty intense at times. I’m really surprised there haven’t been more injuries than there have been. That night, we had a campfire after volleyball. We all sat around, eating smores and drinking hot chocolate. I love just sitting around and chatting, telling stories and memories and laughing. That’s definitely some sunshine in my book.
- This past weekend two of my friends from college came to visit. We went out to eat, watched a movie and stayed up late chatting. It was so nice to have visitors and reminisce about college days. Then we convinced our old roommate to stay another night. She watched the Colts game with me, we all went shopping and then she got to visit our church. She really loved it. I didn’t get a picture with my other friend who visited, but here’s a photo of the roommates reunited.
- After church, we all went to Steak N Shake. I love that restaurant. I got to try the new smores milkshake. Man, I love their milkshakes.
- Also, the friend who visited and spent an extra night is a braiding goddess. She is always willing to braid my hair, and I just love it. This time she did a waterfall braid in my hair for church, inspired by a picture I saw on Pinterest. The next day she gave me a fishtail braid for work before she left.
- Bible study this week was great. I am so grateful I am able to attend and be a part of that group. I always leave feeling full of sunshine. I love the people, the discussions, the openness and the conversations. I hope I can keep learning more and more about the people in the group and develop closer friendships with them all.
- After I left Bible study, there was some crazy lightning going on during my drive home. I love watching lightning brighten up the sky. During the first episode of lightning I saw, I literally said out loud, “Oh, hey God!”
That’s how I’ve seen sunshine in the past weeks. How have you seen sunshine recently?
I loved reading all the ways sunshine has fallen upon you lately. I, too, have felt sunshine and will share just a few of those moments.
Last weekend, I got a chance to spend the weekend in St. Louis with my husband and we visited the zoo. I am amazed at God’s creation. All the animals are so unique – just like humans – and one animal had legs like a zebra and a head like a giraffe. The penguins were my favorite though, as one of them swam over to me and started showing off splashing and dunking in and out of the water and almost posing for my camera!
Saturday night, we went to Kenny G with the St. Louis symphony orchestra. When we arrived the orchestra was practicing – reminding me of a lesson I once heard at a church. At the beginning, it sounds like squeaks and awful sounds as they practice, but once the conductor joins them and they come together – it makes a beautiful sound. In our lives, we sometimes sound awful when we are trying to do things on our own, but when God joins us and leads us and pulls us together into the Body of Christ, it is then that we make beautiful music.
Sunday, the sky was beautiful blue with little small puffs of white clouds as we drove home and it warmed my heart.
I have been designing some new pieces for work and I find great joy and a renewed passion for my work.
I got to have a long conversation with my Dad, and a short one with my Mom, on the phone the other night and heard all about their recent vacation and it was great talking to them and hearing the excitement and joy of their time away from the everyday routines of life.
A friend of mine who lost his wife almost 3 years ago has found another lady to care for and date. He had a renewed joy in his voice and it made me happy.
Today, a friend and I went to lunch and she let me know she was thankful we were friends and we chatted about life and heartaches and joys – and it made me happy that God had blessed me with someone like her as a friend.
OH – and a week ago I got to spend a night with my beautiful daughter. We went out for dinner, at a new place that was decorated cute. The food was not so great, but they did have great fried pickles. Then we went to a play in a barn and laughed and laughed. I love true laughter – that is true sunshine – when you can let go of all worries and thoughts and seriousness and just enjoy each other’s company. :0)
Wow designmom! It sounds like you’ve had lots of sunshine too. That’s great to hear! I would love to visit the St. Louis zoo sometime. My favorite part is always the penguins too! They are just so cute! How ironic that you went out with your daughter and had good fried pickles and saw a play and I went out with my mom and had good fried pickles and saw a play 😉
Thanks for sharing! Getting comments on my posts gives me more sunshine.
I agree, you should go visit the st Louis zoo! 🙂 I’ve heard great things about it.