My sunshine series is a way for me to share my joys with you and make myself see sunshine no matter how dreary the week has been. Here are the ways I’ve seen sunshine lately:
- Going to my college homecoming. I saw lots of old friends, got to walk around campus reminiscing, took lots of silly/fun photos with my best friend, ate lunch at a delicious breakfast place we always loved, and enjoyed conversations with close friends. I love my alma mater and cherish all the memories from those four years. I love this picture, except for my red eye 🙁
- Spending time with my brother — shopping and chatting and rapping.
- Eating Baskin Robbins ice cream. Wow, that was soooo good! My brother fixed the red eye in this picture so my eyes look fake haha!
- Playing pranks on a co-worker during his last two weeks on the job. I love innocent pranks that bring lots of laughter. Here is my co-worker’s scissors immersed in jello!
- My grandparents took me out to eat one night, which was perfect because it was the most stressful day at work I had ever had. It was nice to get away for a while and calm myself down. And the food and conversation was great too!
- A friend came to visit Aubrey and I for breakfast one morning. We hadn’t seen him since who knows when. It was nice to sit and chat.
- For a column I’m doing for the newspaper I work at, I got to go spend time with our local firefighters. I tried on all their gear and rode in a fire truck and even got to blow the horn. It was really fun, and I learned a lot.
- Phone calls while driving and stopping for a mint cookies and creme milkshake — my favorite!
- Pumpkin spice candles — what a wonderful fall smell!
- Talks with my grandma and free haircuts!
- Freelance jobs, which equal paychecks on the way — just in time for the holiday shopping season!
- Skyping with friends from other countries. I’m serious Chels, your eyes were so beautiful they were piercing my heart <3
- Having support from friends and family.
How about you? How have you seen sunshine lately?
sheesh Tiff. you know how to make a girl blush. haha. honored to have made the list. you definitely made my Sunshine list! 🙂
🙂 Love you Chels … and you too Josh!