Who used to watch Veggie Tales? Does anyone remember this song:
“God is bigger than the boogie man. He’s bigger than Godzilla or the monsters on TV. Oh, God is bigger than the boogie man, and He’s watching out for you and me.”
I sure remember that song. It immediately came to mind when I sat down to write this post. And it is completely true.
God is BIG.
I think we — pretty much all the time — underestimate God. We have no idea how big He is. We don’t comprehend His love, forgiveness, power, mercy, jealousy, knowledge, compassion, … the list can go on and on to include every one of God’s traits. We just don’t get it. And we can’t, because we are merely humans who can’t even fathom eternity even if we do believe in it.
I remember someone once telling me that my standards were a little too high or I wanted too many specific things in a future husband. They thought I was being unrealistic. I thought they didn’t understand my God. I remember telling them that I believed God was big enough to create someone who had all the things I wanted in a future husband. And He was big enough to bring that person into my life at the right time.
I don’t think there is a Mr. Perfect, but I do believe there is a Mr. Right. Not just for me, but for all of us who aren’t called to a life of singleness. No man is going to be perfect, because all men are human. But I think we need to stop underestimating God and start believing He is big enough to bring us Mr. Right in His perfect timing.
We can’t hold God inside some box — whether it be about our singleness or some other area of our life. Maybe you already found Mr. Right and now you are looking/waiting for the right career or the miracle of children or a church to call home or financial provision …
God is the Creator of the entire universe. Everything that exists comes from Him. He loves us with a mind-blowin’ love. He longs to give us the desires of our hearts. He strives to be gracious to us. He shows us mercy every morning. He forgives us in a way we can’t understand. He knows all and is all. Our minds can’t even wrap around it all.
God is big. He is bigger than any struggle we face. Any burden we carry. God is bigger than our fears and our heartaches. So I think it’s time we start believing that. Take God out of the box we hold Him in and realize He is capable of ALL things. Anything. Everything.
Because He’s God. And that’s big.
LOVE! This is such a great reminder. “Take God out of the box we hold Him in and realize He is capable of ALL things.” Amen, amen, amen! Thanks for continuing to encourage me!
Thanks Ricci. This is definitely something you have to remember as you try to raise support. But like we both have said, God is our provider. He is big enough to get you way over what you need! I love serving such a big God!