For the past couple years, I have been choosing a word to represent my new year rather than making resolutions. Last year, I chose the word “purpose” for 2012. I wanted to put purpose into everything I did.
Now looking back on 2012, I believe my word was actually “healing.” I spent most of that year being healed by God, having my heart mended. And once I was healed, I received great restoration and joy.
For 2013, I’ve pondered over several words such as change, adventure, joy and journey. All of which seem to describe what 2013 will probably be filled with. But I decided not to go with any of those words. Instead, I chose the one most fitting for this year in my life: Love. Maybe it seems cliche to choose “love” when I’ll be getting married this year. But it makes sense to me for so many reasons.
I will be feeling love from family and friends as we plan the wedding, have bridal showers and bachelorette parties. I will see their love as I open their gifts and hear their laughter and feel their hugs. Love will embrace me on our wedding day as I’m surrounded by all of my loved ones. And more than anything, love will fill my heart and soul as I see Travis for the first time that day, standing at the end of the aisle with his shining green eyes and bright smile. Or when we dance for the first time as a married couple. Love will be all around when we go on our honeymoon too. 😉
I’m sure I will shed some tears as I drive away from the family I so deeply love. But I also think I will fall in love with my new home in Georgia. And the rest of the year will be spent growing in our love for one another.
Of course, it’s not going to be all sunshine all the time. I’m going to get frustrated while planning. The wedding day will not be perfect. Leaving my family will be incredibly sad. Travis and I will argue as we become acquainted with each others’ annoying habits. I’ll probably get homesick at times. Looking for a job will be awful.
But here’s the thing, love covers all of those things.
And God’s love for me is overwhelming and overflowing. I think that will be obviously clear in 2013.
Did you choose a word for this new year? What word do you think represented your year of 2012?
*This photo was designed by Melanie at
Hey Tiffany, I wanted to share this with you if you are interested in getting a free button designed with your word for 2013 🙂
Awesome! Thanks for sharing Mindy. I will definitely take advantage of that.
I like the idea of choosing a word and I did that last year. It’s funny, but it didn’t take me long to think of a word for this year, as I just recently did an exercise at work where you have a list of almost 200 words and you have to narrow them down to your top 5 words that you fill are important to your life. Faith was one, Family, and then one of the other ones I chose was Adaptability. So I think that will be my word for 2013. Things are changing in my office and I’ll need to adapt to the changes. My job requires me to adapt to varying priorities on a daily basis. My daughter is getting married and I’m adapting to the idea. She’s moving to Georgia and although I’m excited for her and her man, I know it will be very hard for me and I’ll need to again adapt to the change in my life and the role as her mom. I’ll also becoming a mother-in-law, and I hope I’ll be a great one and not one that he wishes would disappear or fall off the earth!, but I’ll need to adapt to that new title. I know the year will be full of exciting changes and it will be fun to see what all God has in store for me. I know he will guide me as I put my “adaptability” into full swing!
Thanks for sharing designmom! I agree that adaptability sounds like a great word for your year. I’m praying that God helps you adapt to all the upcoming changes.