Winter can be rough. Cold. Wind. Snow. Ice. Dreary days. Cloudy days. Days without any sunshine. The weather alone can be discouraging. It’s much easier to become negative during the winter months. Any of you feeling that way?
I know I get down sometimes during these bitterly cold months. To offset that 🙁 feeling, I’ve created this post with several uplifting photos to remind you that winter ends. Sunshine is on its way! I hope you are uplifted and encouraged through these photos. Scroll away my friends.
Winter Encouragement Through Photos
I will be posting these to Facebook and Pinterest, so if you see one that you really like feel free to share it.
I really, REALLY loved these – I love photos – and I really loved the inspirational statements. My favorite one is the one about the ocean kissing the shoreline no matter how many times it is sent away. I’ve never heard that one. I love the ocean – because I always feel the POWER of the water and GOD and it makes me feel very close to him and his creation. I liked that statement, because it makes me think – that no matter how many times I don’t pay attention to God woooing me or loving me and I turn away – he continues to bless me and shower me with his love and kisses. Thanks for the inspiration in the dreary days of winter.
I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I really enjoyed making them! I was going to save them all to use for various blogs, but I was too excited so I decided to write a post where I could share all of them at once!
I really enjoy the last one. I love how trees often grow in a way that makes you feel like they are hugging you or surrounding you by joining with other trees the way my Jesus and my family often make me feel. There is such a calming I get from these pictures. Thank you for the reminders.
I love trees too Breegany! That’s why I was so excited to visit that location where I took that picture. Glad you liked the post!