Lately, I feel like I have been Miss Crabbypants. I don’t know if it’s the weather or work or missing Travis or what but I have been in a bad mood a lot. I’ve been complaining and whining and just being negative like it’s my job. Basically, I’ve been focusing on the clouds instead of the sunshine. I could make lists of reasons why I deserve to be in a bad mood. When instead I should have been making lists of why I need to be grateful, why I should be happy, and how blessed I am.
How about you? Do you get in those ruts? The ones where all you can see is the bad stuff? Do you make lists in your head (or maybe even on paper) of how bad you have it?
STOP. I’m not trying to be bossy; if anything, I’m yelling at myself to stop. Stop being so negative and realize how awesome you have it. Focus on the positive. See the sunshine.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Happiness is a choice. Your attitude is completely up to you. If you don’t like how being negative feels, then stop being negative. It is a choice. You make the decision and put action toward it.
I want to stop being Miss Crabbypants and start being Miss Sunshine again. I want to look up and say, “Wow God, You are awesome. Look at all You’ve done for me! Look at all You do — period.”
I’d love to say it’s that easy. But it really is hard to just flip a switch and suddenly be happy, suddenly see the sun instead of the clouds. It takes work to get out of a negative funk. You have to choose to change your attitude every morning.
Ways to Choose Joy
- Get ready in the morning with energizing and fun music.
- Start a workout routine, not to lose weight or see results, but only to make yourself feel more healthy. Make it a fun workout! Something you enjoy like taking a dance class or going for a bike ride with friends.
- Start eating more fruits and veggies and less greasy food.
- Surround yourself with positive people.
- Make a list of your blessings — everything you have to be thankful for. Keep it as an ongoing list. You can even challenge yourself to write X amount of blessings each day before bed each night.
- Make a list of your good qualities, your talents, and your best assets.
- Take a break — watch you favorite movie with your favorite snack or take a bubble bath with candles all around — whatever it is that relaxes you and makes you feel better.
- Do something nice for someone else out of the blue.
- Drink lots of water.
- Laugh. Whatever you have to do, make it happen. Watch silly youtube videos, hang out with your funniest friend, go to a comedy show — just spend some time laughing and smiling.
Just remember that being negative is completely your choice. You can choose joy and happiness and positivity every morning — or you can put on your crabbypants (yes, I just made that a word) and go about your crappy day. It’s up to you my friend. Personally, I am going to start seeing the sunshine.
What are ways that you choose joy each day?
Making a point of smiling and saying hello to people–like to checkers at the grocery store–really helps lift my mood. It helps to bring back my joy when I can show God’s goodness to somebody in some little way. It makes me feel that, no matter how sorry I’m feeling for myself about a situation, I made something better for someone else.
One smile can make a huge difference!