Remember when I wrote that post about my friend Ricci? How she is going on a journey around the world to spread the love of God? And remember how I asked you if you would consider financially supporting her?
Well, Ricci had a total of $15,500 she needed to raise for this trip to 11 countries in 11 months. She had raised a total of $3,500 in order to meet her first deadline. Ricci was planning different fundraisers such as selling T-shirts or having a dinner with a raffle. She also wanted to speak at my mom’s church, where I grew up going. This past weekend, she came and spent the weekend with Aubrey and I. Then on Sunday, she spoke in front of the church, telling about what she would be doing and explaining how much money she would need to go on the trip. We expected the mission team to meet and perhaps give Ricci $100, or maybe even $200. And the mission team did meet. But what happened next shocked us all and brought us to tears.
The mission team at this church told Ricci they wanted to pay the remainder of her balance. Ricci didn’t even understand at first. But when she saw the check written for $12,000, the tears of gratitude, relief and joy came. Ricci is fully funded. She will attend training in May. And she will leave for Ireland in July. All because this church was obedient to God and followed through with what they felt they were called to give. All because this church is so giving and so caring. All because God is bigger than any amount of money, and He provides. Always.
I don’t know what you are going through or in what ways you are looking up to God. I don’t know what you’ve been praying for lately or what problems you are struggling with. But I do know this. God is bigger than any situation you are in, any need you have, any question on your mind or worry in your heart. If God calls you to do something, He will provide. He will take care of everything if only you are willing to move in that direction and be obedient. Don’t ever ever doubt the power of our God my friends. He wants to bless all of us. That brings me SO much sunshine!
Read Ricci’s version of the story here and follow her throughout her journey.
Tiffany, our daughter is also so blessed to have a true friend like you. We were almost as shocked as you and Ricci were when she brought us this amazing news. Isn’t wonderful to witness God in action? We know that He will protect her during her journey and use her to bring hope to many throughout the world.
Thanks so much for your support, prayers and friendship for Ricci. God placed you with her in B5 for this purpose. Praise God!
Thank you so much Mr. Emmons! I think I am the one blessed to have Ricci as a friend. You and your wife definitely raised Ricci to be a true woman of God. She has set such an example for me, and I love seeing her passion and love for our Lord. B5 has been a blessing to all of us!
Aw, this is great to hear!!! 🙂
I’m thrilled for Ricci. I know she has felt God leading her to mission work. It is for His will and to serve others. He has blessed her trip and I’m sure great things will happen and His name will be glorified by her works and her obedience to go. Carrying only a backpack, sleeping in a tent, and having $3.00 only for her daily meals – will be a challenge. But as he has already shown her – he will be with her every step of the way. Praise to God for his provisions and goodness. Go in peace Ricci and we can’t wait to hear how you have spread God’s love and his story all over the world. Love ya. Momma Bear