I’m loving sharing all my wedding details with ya’ll! One of the steps in wedding planning is choosing gifts for the wedding party. It can be difficult for some. I wish I could have spent tons of money on our gifts to show everyone how much I love them and how special they are to me, but I think we did a pretty good job of showing that without breaking our bank.
So here are some ideas for you bride and grooms who are still trying to decide.
Make Your Wedding Party Smile
For my best girls, I got each of them a small personalized makeup bag and filled it with goodies. I found the makeup bags online for cheap, which gave me more money to spend on the stuff to fill the bags. I filled the bags with the following:
I wrapped their gifts in simple Brown Paper Bags, using yellow tissue paper for a pop of color. I wrote each of their names on the paper bags instead of using tags.
I really enjoyed putting together these bags and deciding what to put inside. I like that it was a gift with lots of little gifts inside. I wanted to make sure I got them something they could actually use.
Travis decided he wanted to pay for all the guys’ tux rentals as his gift to them. I think the guys really appreciated it because it was an expense they didn’t have to worry about, especially since almost all of them had to travel to the wedding. The photo below was taken by Jaclyn Day Photography.
Ring Bearers
Travis has two nephews (and now so do I!), so we asked them both to be ring bearers. The boys are between 2- and 3-years-old. Travis loves baseball and the boys often play with the baseballs from his childhood room. So Travis and I got them each a small baseball bat. The bats were personalized with their names and the wedding date. I think they both really liked them. They can play with them or keep them as keepsakes.
Flower Girl
Our niece who was our flower girl is only about 5-months-old. The ring bearers pulled her down the aisle in a wagon — it was precious. As a gift, I wanted to give her something she could cherish once she was older. I got her a handkerchief embroidered with a message on it. The handkerchief said, “Today you are young, but the years will pass by and you’ll soon be a bride in the blink of an eye. So here is something for the day you will say I will need something old for my wedding day. Love, Uncle Travis and Aunt Tiffany.” It included her name and the wedding date as well. I put the handkerchief inside a small wooden box for her to keep it in. Maybe someday she’ll put other small keepsakes in there as well. I wrote a message to her at the bottom of the box too.
Our family has asked that we don’t include their children’s names on my blog for privacy reasons. That’s why I blurred out our niece’s name on the photo below.
Some people get gifts for the parents and some don’t. I definitely wanted to give something to my parents as a thank you for all they did for our wedding. I had the photographer take some special photos for me. She took pictures of me holding signs. One said, “Always your little girl” and another was about an inside joke between my dad and me. I printed the photos, along with a photo of us together at the wedding. I put them in a photo frame for him to keep.
For my mom, I made a DVD slideshow of photos. I used pictures of the two of us from when I was little up until the present. I also included photos from the wedding. I put music behind it — Carrie Underwood’s “Mama’s Song” and “See You Again.” It was my way of thanking her for praying for my future husband all those years and to tell her that my moving to Georgia is not goodbye.
After looking at good ole Pinterest, I decided I wanted to get something for Travis’ mom too. I got her a necklace that says, “Thank you for raising the man of my dreams.” It was exactly what I wanted to say to her.
Guest Book Attendants
Two of my cousins, who are practically sisters, were my guest book attendants at the wedding. They did a great job of getting our guestbook signed and passing out sparklers for the sparkler send off. I asked them to get pictures taken with me before I moved. We got together one day and took some pictures together. I got a copy of all the photos and picked out my favorites. I bought them each a picture frame that matched their bedrooms and put the photos of us inside.
The Others
Remind ya of Lost? 🙂 Anyway, the pastor and pianist at my wedding both offered to do it no charge because they are both related to me. So as a thank you, I bought them each a gift card to a restaurant.
That sums up our wedding party gifts. What gift ideas do you have for your wedding party?
For more wedding details or ideas, visit my wedding page. To see what my wedding party wore, check out this post.
This is a great gift guide! I like how you gifted something small to everyone involved. The best girls gift is affordable and great – so many things they’ll actually use!