The other day I had a dream I was with an older couple — family friends of ours — in a parking lot. This couple had to make a list of things they would give up, and then they were really letting go of things things, really living without them.
Then the dream made a turn toward ice cream … but that’s not the point.
I began thinking about this list of things to give up in my half asleep/half awake state. What would I be willing to write on my list? What could I live without? There are several things I would have trouble giving up and letting go. Cable – how would I watch my favorite shows? Ice cream – what would I eat for a snack every night? Camera – how would I capture all the moments I want to remember?
What about this blog? That one really got to me. I thought about what it would be like to give up my blog. I honestly think I would be a little heartbroken. This blog is my baby, and I’ve put a lot of hard work into it.
But if God was calling me to step away from this place I call my own, would I be willing to do it?
A book I’m reading called Intentional Blogger mentioned this in one of its chapters. The authors said that we must hold our plans with palms wide open. In other words, I need to hold this blog loosely. I need to be willing to lay it down and step away if God calls me to something else.
After we’ve planned, built, and determined our direction, we must be willing to lay it all down if He calls us to another place. –Intentional Blogger
Are you letting go?
What is it you are planning, dreaming and building? Would you willingly lay it down if God called you to do so? Or are you holding it too tightly? Squeezing so hard that God can’t mold it into what He wants, what’s best for His purpose and Kingdom?
Sometimes we hold onto things with such a firm grip that when we finally release whatever it is, we hurt. Our hands ache and our muscles are sore. And depending on what we’ve finally let go, our hearts may also feel pain.
But if we hold those things loosely, with palms open, listening for God’s direction and following His plan instead of our own, we can keep ourselves from feeling that hurt. We can let go easily. And when our hands are empty, we can be sure He’ll give us something else to hold onto. Even if, at first, it’s just Him.
Because when our hands are empty — well, that’s the best time to lift our arms toward the Heavens in praise.
Are you letting go? What are you holding too tightly?
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Deep..brought up some tears
Love how you share when we hold too tight are hands hurt and muscles ache
So true
Good advice…thanks
Thanks! I’m glad you got something from it!
Very good, Tiffany. How true this is. Your blog is an inspiration to me, as I’m sure it is to others.
Thanks so much Lenora!
This is beautiful! So happy the book is helping you work through the process of being a more intentional blogger. Thanks for sharing at FF!
Nikki @ Christian Mommy Blogger recently posted…Link To Other Posts Within Your Post {31 Days to a More Reader-Friendly Blog}
Well, thank you and Leigh Ann! Your words in that book inspired this post. Glad you stopped by!
This is something for all us to really reflect on. It typically takes me a while before I commit to something and we I do I’m a clinger. Praying that I’ll walk in obedience to anything God calls me to let go of even if that means by blog, which has become more than I could have ever imagined.
Wanda recently posted…When You’re Stuck on Repeat
Wanda, I’m so glad to hear your blog as become even more than you could have imagined. That’s what I’m looking forward to for my blog. But yes, we must walk in obedience to whatever God calls us toward or away from … no matter how hard it is.
Thank you so much for this post!! Beautifully written! Something I very much needed to read at this time in my life. Thank you!
You’re welcome Denise! I’m so glad you got something from it!
So true that we are to hold things loosely – to hold tightly to God, but to hold everything else loosely. And He will not disappoint. Thanks for applying these thoughts in reference to our blogging – good words to think on. Thank you! (Visiting from Fellowship Fridays)
Cherry recently posted…Digital Scrapbooking – Colorado Vacation (Part 2)
Definitely hold tightly to God! Thanks for stopping by Cherry!
This is exactly what I needed to hear today!
Definitely has me considering things that I’ve been holding onto very closely. Thanks Tiifany!
I’m glad to hear it Kia. Here’s to letting go!
Great post! Definitely is causing me to ponder a few things that I could let go, more along the lines of fitness and health-since that is what I’ve been focusing on lately. Definitely puts things into perspective though!
Yes Christy, I love how this lesson can be applied to so many areas of our lives. Good luck on letting go!