When I was a kid, I enjoyed going into my brother’s room to stand against his closet door where our growth chart was taped. I loved seeing how I had grown since the last time I had checked. It was fun to see the different markings along that growth chart for both my brother and I as we got taller and taller throughout the years.
Growing is a good thing. I think we all can agree that children should get taller as they age and teenagers should mature with life. Adults grow as they go through different circumstances. We grow physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. Growth is healthy and important.
And that’s why I want to share with you how this blog has been growing. A lot of changes have been taking place — most of which are behind the scenes. I want to update you loyal readers out there about what’s new.
I have been working with a blog mentor of sorts, who has been able to answer questions I have concerning how-to’s or coding — all that confusing stuff that isn’t my forte’. I’ve also began reading a really helpful and encouraging book called Intentional Blogger, which has taught me so much and even brought me to tears at some points. (Inspirational tears not sad ones!) I’ve joined some blogging Facebook groups, which has led me to find new blogger friends and gain more knowledge about all sorts of blogging topics.
Because of all that, my blog has already gained more readership and more social media followers. A website called Delishbook has started featuring my recipes. Remember those goals I was setting last month? Well, I met my goals and even far exceeded some of them thanks to none other than God himself. I have changed my menu at the top, started a new series called Favorite Friday, made photos to feature my most popular posts on the sidebar, and started monetizing my blog.
I want to explain why I have added advertisements on the sidebar and now include affiliate links in some of my posts. My goal for this blog is not to make money. My goal is to encourage others, share my life, and ultimately glorify God. I have started monetizing in order to cut the costs of this blog. The domain name costs me money each year and the giveaways I do come out of my own pocket. The money I will make off the ads and affiliate links will help me pay for those costs. Eventually, I may need to add a plugin to help capture spam comments (which costs money) and I would love the opportunity to attend a blogging conference (which is actually a lot more expensive than you’d think.) So to anyone who clicks those links or ads and buys something, thank you for supporting me and this blog.
So what’s ahead? I’m excited to announce that by the beginning of next year, I should hopefully have a brand new design! I’m also hoping to either start or join a mastermind group. (Any takers?)
That’s what’s going on at Seeing Sunshine. Lots of growing. Yes, we’re getting taller! It’s really exciting if you ask me. I think of this blog as my own personal ministry. I love when God speaks through me when I’m typing in this space. It’s a fantastic feeling when your fingers start moving over the keyboard and everything comes together before you even know what hit you. My prayer for this blog is the same as when I first launched it.
Thank you to those of you who have been reading since the beginning. I appreciate everyone’s love and support as my ministry grows. If you are wondering how you can further support my ministry, here are a few ways:
- Subscribe. There’s a box on the sidebar where you can enter your email address. All my posts will come straight to your email inbox so you never miss out.
- Follow. Join me in the social media world. You can like the Facebook page, follow me on Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram.
- Purchase. Buy the stuff you’d normally buy through Amazon or Dayspring by clicking through my blog.
- Comment. I love hearing from you! Comments bring community and interaction to my blog.
Now, I would love to hear from you.
Would you share with me — What’s been your favorite post on Seeing Sunshine? Which types of posts do you enjoy reading most?
I have enjoyed watching “SeeingSunshine” grow taller from the beginning to now. I have enjoyed being a part of the ups and downs of your life and finding inspiration in your words. It’s hard to pick my favorite, as I might need to do it by categories since I have several. I think my favorite one though is “And if not…” just because I believe so strongly in prayer and found that so true and inspirational. I also loved the one about open hands. It’s funny, but often your “faith” category touches me with a message just at the right time. I had missed “And if not…” until today when I was reviewing to find my favorite. Maybe that’s why it’s my favorite for today, because my prayer cup is overflowing over the rim and all over the table. I have so many on my heart and in my prayers today. So I enjoyed reading it.
I also really love the recipes and the photos of step-by-step. I have made several of your recipes and carry my ipad just to set on my recipe book while cooking. I enjoy them.
I have enjoyed many of your writings and getting to see your thoughts, dreams, etc. through your blog of marriage/home decoration/recipes and faith. Keep it up. I would miss it if you were gone. I’ll keep supporting you and will be a faithful reader!
If there was an award for best blog fan or biggest supporter, you would win! Thank you so much for always being so supportive of my writing, my passion and my ministry. This blog couldn’t have grown so much without your support. Thanks for the awesome comment!