Christmas can be an incredibly happy time. It can be full of joy and love and hope. But it can also be a very difficult time. It can be full of disappointment, sadness, hurting, and loneliness. I know there are people out there who are struggling this season. For some, the holidays don’t seem so happy.
Two years ago, I was struggling during the holidays. I know what if feels like to have an aching heart during what is supposed to be such a joyful season. For those of you out there who are hurting right now, please know you are not alone.
I’ve complied a list of posts from others that will hopefully encourage those of you who are in a season of sorrow, even while everyone else seems to be smiling and laughing. Not all of them are specifically about the holidays, but I hope that you will click a few of them and read. Read all of them if you need to.
Soak in the words. Let the sunshine seep into your skin, warming you and comforting your heart. And know that you are being prayed for.
Posts for Those Hurting During the Holidays
If you are feeling depressed:
- Help for Holiday Depression by Kimberlee at The Peaceful Mom
- I’m Going to be Very Honest by Susannah at Simple Moments Stick
- Dear Sister who Struggles by Susannah at Simple Moments Stick
If you are dealing with the loss of a loved one:
- The Holidays and Grief by Brooke at The Vine Press
- 10 Things I Learned While Dealing with the Death of a Loved One by Jinna at Huffpost Healthy Living
- Verses for Loss: Scriptures to Comfort the Grief Stricken and Mourning by Andriana at A Love Worth Living For
If you are longing for a child:
- Grace, Hope, and Healing from Infertility by Ally at Amateur Nester
- It Got Me Thinking about Big Girl Meltdowns, Holiday Edition by Kathleen at Life Without Baby
- The Infertile Marriage Bed by Ally at Amateur Nester
- Christmas Traditions without Kids by Ally at Amateur Nester
If your marriage is in a crisis:
- When your Marriage is in Crisis – Fight! by Shelia at To Love, Honor and Vacuum
- Don’t be Afraid of Brokenness in Marriage by Shelia at To Love, Honor and Vacuum
- The Chain of Unforgiveness Isn’t Worth the Price You’ll Pay by Matthew at The Time Warp Wife
- Loving Your Husband When Your Own Love Tank is Low by me
If you’re feeling burnt out or weak:
- 8 Ways to Deal with the Blues at Christmas by Daphne at Daphne Writes
- When Light Breaks Through by Crystal at Serving Joyfully
- When You’re Right in the Midst of It by me
- When the Darkness is Overwhelming by me
If you are struggling with singleness:
- Alone Under the Mistletoe by Bree at The Imperfect Vessel
- The Truth about Being Single Around the Holidays by Kathleen at Frugal Portland
- What Every Single Woman Needs to Know by Bree at The Imperfect Vessel
- Shifting Seasons by Bree at The Imperfect Vessel
I also want to share with you two books that you can purchase if you’d like. All are less than $10, so I think it’s very worth the money.
- 12 Days of Christmas for the Hurting by Rachel
- Life without Baby Holiday Companion by Kathleen and Lisa
I hope that these can be some encouraging resources for you during your difficult time. And please know, it will get better. It may take time, but it will get better.
Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. -Psalm 30:5
Thank you for referencing my post! I have been reading through your blog and you seem so sweet. Congrats on recently getting married!
JD @ Honest Mom recently posted…You don’t have to be loud to be heard.
Thank you!