My husband left about two weeks ago for NTC (the National Training Center) in California. He’ll be gone for a month.
I wanted to do something for him so he would feel my love even weeks into his training, especially when we couldn’t have any contact. It’s nothing special — just a little something.
So I bought a few treats for him to take and included little notes with each one.
I bought him some of his favorite candy — Sour Patch Kids, Sour Gummy Worms and Mamba Chews — a package of Golden Oreos, his favorite Kind bars and some new Kind bars he hasn’t had before.
For each of the treats, I included a note with a memory or inside joke between us. For example, on the Kind Bars I wrote a note about how the first time he tried Kind bars was at the Color Run and I told him how glad I am that he did the Color Run with me.
I also got him a card and wrote on the envelope that he shouldn’t open it until he was really tired — that way I knew he wouldn’t open the card until the middle of his training since he would probably open all of these treats at the beginning.
I wrapped all these things into a bag for him to include in his pack. I also wrote him a letter to open when he left.
Now, we only have about two weeks left before we get to see each other again!
What kinds of things have you done for your spouses who have left for training or deployment?
For more ideas, check out my Pinterest board Military Life.