It’s been about a month since I’ve wrote a Currently post, so I think it’s time. Especially since you haven’t heard from me in over a week. Remember how I said my husband and I were going “unplugged” and wouldn’t be using our phones or internet for a week? Well, that was because we were going on a vacation! We weren’t using the internet because we were out in the middle of the ocean on a cruise ship! I’ll write a separate post recapping our trip soon!
And just so you don’t miss it, I have a giveaway coming Friday! So be sure to stop by and enter!
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Here’s what I’m up to currently…
Thinking about: In my strive for hospitality, I’ve decided to invite Travis’ platoon over for a meal. This is Marne Week, so lots of sports activities and fun events are taking place for the soldiers and their families. So it’s the perfect week for us to have everyone over for Taco Night. I went grocery shopping to get all the onions, tomatoes, taco seasonings, etc. I have no idea how many people will show up, so I really hope I have enough food!
Reading: I could talk about books forever. On the cruise, I read Cold Tangerines by Shauna Niequist. I loved it! Definitely recommend it! I just finished Tables in the Wilderness
by Preston Yancy. I got both of those books at Allume and got to hear both of those authors speak! Now, I’m finishing Sacred Marriage
. I just have a couple chapters left, and then I get to pick a new book out of my pile of Allume books.
Praying about: Honestly, I was really worried that something bad would happen while we were on our cruise. Not necessarily to us. I was more worried something would happen to a family member or friend while we were gone, and we wouldn’t know about it or be able to get home. Living away from home and knowing something could happen to one of my family members without me there freaks me out. So knowing I would be in a place where they wouldn’t be able to call me really freaked me out. I prayed a whole heck of a lot that God would protect my family while I was gone. That He would keep them healthy. So when I got home and everything was normal and everyone was OK, it was such a relief. So currently, I’m praying a lot of thank you’s. He protected them. He kept them healthy. I’m so thankful for that — so thankful that just writing this is making me cry!
Listening to: Viva a La Playa. It’s this song Travis has been listening to nonstop for the past two weeks. He made a video of all our vacation footage and put that song on there, so I’ve been hearing a lot of it. I’ll share that video with ya’ll in my cruise recap post!
Watching: We had lots of shows to catch up on when we got home. The last show we need to watch to be caught up is Red Band Society. I enjoy that show! I really loved watching the three part series of Chicago Fire, Law and Order: SVU, and Chicago PD. That was so good!
Eating: Healthy. Or trying to. I felt like all we did on our cruise was eat. I had the chocolate melting cake basically every single night. And the two times we got room service I got cookies or chocolate cake. No joke. So I’m trying to get back into eating healthy. I had a salad for lunch yesterday and we had salmon, rice, and steamed squash for supper. Hopefully we can keep that up.
Working on: Christmas presents. I know, I know… Thanksgiving isn’t even here yet. But I like to get started on presents early. I’ve been making lists of who we are getting gifts for and what we want to get them. And we’ve been getting started on purchasing or making those gifts. And it’s so fun! I would love to be able to win the lottery and only be able to use it for gifts for others. That would be fun!
What have you been up to currently?