I have been waiting to share this with ya’ll for months and months. I thought I would be able to tell you in the fall, but everything kept getting delayed … until now.
Travis and I are officially land and home owners. We have been in the midst of trying to buy property for what feels like ages but is actually more like 6 months. But this week we signed the final papers and it’s official.
How many of you thought this announcement was something else? Mmmhmm, tricked ya!
It all started when the property next to my parents’ house became available for purchase. Travis and I jumped at the opportunity to buy this land — the land I’ve always wanted to live on but never really thought it would become a reality. We wanted to get it now while it was available, even if we wouldn’t get to live there for many years. Our plan was to start paying off the property and start saving to build a home.
And then right in the midst of it all, we find out about South Korea. I would need a place to live. And wouldn’t you know it this property has a house on it. And it’s right next door to my parents. And isn’t it just like God’s timing that we signed the papers the week I need to move in?
What really gets me is way back when this all first began — when it was just “talks” and we were interested in buying the property but didn’t think we’d be able to afford it — way back then God knew. He knew Travis would get orders. He knew I would need a place to move in. He knew exactly how long it would take to close and exactly which week I’d need a place to put all our furniture. And He timed it all out just right.
He knew the desires of my heart. He knew how many times I’ve walked or ran down that road, imagining my house there. He knows my dreams of having little ones who can go explore in the woods and easily walk to their grandparents’ house. He knows how much I love the view on that property. He was watching when Travis and I watched the sun set from that view the night he first told me he loved me.
And now we get to call this place ours.
So let me tell you about the property! We now own some woods. Travis is looking forward to hunting and camping there. We also have a big hill. Maybe we’ll sled down it someday. We now own my absolute favorite tree of all time. The tree that stands behind us in many of our engagement photos. We own a tiny, almost dry pond. I hope we can someday dig it out and fill it up and stock it with fish so Travis can teach our kids how to use a fishing pole.
We own the perfect spot for our house to sit, overlooking my favorite tree and the most beautiful sunsets you’ll ever see.
We also own two red barns, a few sheds, and a house. The house is where I’m going to live this year. It needs a lot of work, but it’s livable. At least I hope so! You’re probably going to see some renovation or redecorating posts this year thanks to this new project. This baby is over 100 years old and really hasn’t had any renovations. I like to think of this house as “Our My New Old House.” This picture is from last summer.
It all looked a little more white when we moved in!
Overall, I honestly couldn’t be more thankful. I think with the kind of view we have from this property, I won’t forget to thank God for this blessing any time soon. Here’s another photo from last summer.
Tears are streaming down my face! I am so happy for you! If you ever need company, let me know.
Aww 🙂 Thanks Kariana!
I have chills!! It’s so beautiful and just perfect in every way!!
Marisa recently posted…Be Mine, Valentine
Wonderful! Yes, he knows / He knew… always.
Tiffany, this is so exciting! Congratulations! The Lord has been so good to y’all! I LOVE the beautiful property! ❤️
Amanda recently posted…Happy Birthday, Little Boy
Oh, it sounds so perfect for you!! What is it they say — location, location, location! And you found the perfect one surrounded by Frys and Spelbrings!!
What a happy day and one we have waited a long time for. So happy for both of you!! Your neighbors are so fortunate to have a wonderful couple like the two of you moving in. We are blessed!!! And you are right , God always has a special plan for us! Love ya!!
That is so great Tiffany! Isn’t God awesome?!
Awwwww you will take great care of the Kord place. So very very happy for you guys.
So happy for you and Travis! Now you will be the ones watching us when farm below your hill….like Pauline & Keith did when they were still living there
I am so happy for you. Congratulations! This is very exciting news.
Theresa recently posted…Turn Your Child’s Artwork Into A Puzzle #playfulpreschool
Congratulations to you both! God is Good – All the Time! Looking forward to seeing the inside.