I recently hosted a bridal shower for a beautiful woman who I have been friends with since second grade. I’m honored to get to be her matron of honor, and I was really excited to plan her shower. I will be posting about the details of the party in the next couple weeks. For now, though, I wanted to share about the games we played.
These were three games that were easy to plan and get materials for. Everyone seemed to really enjoy them, and I love that they were all about the bride and her groom.
Game #1
How Well Do You Know the Bride?
Each guest received a piece a paper with 10 questions about the bride. I read over each question aloud, and guests were able to yell out their answers. The bride, Jennifer, then told the correct answer. Whoever got the most correct won. Here are my questions below in case you need some ideas for your own game planning!
Game #2
Him or Her?
For this game, I had some random questions about the couple and guests had to choose whether the answer was the bride or the groom. They circled the J for Jennifer or the M for Mark. We went through each question, and guests called our their answers. Then we revealed the correct answer. The person with the most correct won.
Game #3
How Well Do You Know the Groom?
This was probably my favorite game. I had asked the groom beforehand to answer 10 questions for me. Each guest was given the questions to answer themselves. I had the bride sit in front of everyone. One by one I went through each question aloud, and the bride had to answer. For each question she got wrong, she had to put a piece of bubble gum in her mouth. It got a little comical the more gum she had to put in her mouth! The guests followed along with their answers.
Jennifer only missed three questions! Way to go! Whichever guest got the most correct won the game. I had fun coming up with these questions!
During my bridal shower, I loved how they did the prizes for the games. So I decided to do the same thing for this shower. I had a large basket full of various prizes — candles, wedding themed movies, home decor, mugs, lotion, kitchen towels, kitchen utensils, and chocolate. All of these items were under $5. I also had some of them already because I like to keep random things like that for this very reason!
For each game, whoever won the game got to choose a prize from the basket. The bride also got to choose a prize from the basket after each game.
I also set a timer while the bride was opening her gifts. When the timer went off, I asked who’s gift she was opening. The person who brought that gift was able to pick a prize from the basket. This is a fun way to break up the gift opening, especially if the bride has a ton of gifts. I set the timer for 10 minutes, but you can choose how much time based on how many prizes you have left and how many gifts the bride has.
I hope you enjoy these bridal shower games! Happy planning friends!
Be sure to check out my Wedding Pinterest board or my Party & Gift Ideas board for more ideas!
I’m going to use some of these at my sisters shower! Thanks for sharing!
Marisa recently posted…D.I.Y. Dreaming of Spring Wreath
You’re welcome!