We’re not in Kansas Indiana anymore…
Did ya’ll know I’m currently in the Republic of Korea right now? Yes, I am. So I thought it was time for a Currently post!
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Thinking about: How unreal it is that I’m here. On the other side of the world. In a country where I don’t recognize a single letter, let alone word. I just keep wondering when it’s going to sink in, when it won’t feel so surreal.
And then I think about how grateful I am for the opportunity to visit my husband, and how I’m so glad this isn’t a deployment where we really would have to spend a whole year apart.
And how even though the military life can be hard and frustrating and lonely at times, it also gives us awesome opportunities like this to see the world and visit places I can guarantee I never would have visited otherwise.
And then how much God provides. How I’ve asked Him to provide for us, and He heard. Traveling to the other side of the world isn’t cheap, and yet God has been blessing us in random ways so that we can afford it. And I’m so thankful because I wanted to come so badly. Not just to travel and explore, but to be with my husband. For our marriage. To talk and hold hands and share meals and see things together and laugh and kiss.
Reading: This week I finished the book Atlas Girl by Emily Wierenga. I really enjoyed it! Now, I’ve started Miracle on Voodoo Mountain. I’m also still reading the book of Numbers in the Bible, and Travis and I are trying to remember to do our daily devotionals from Quiet Times for Couples, a devotional I definitely recommend for couples.
Praying about:That my body will get accustom to this time zone. That I’ll be able to sleep normally. And that I won’t get so nervous about trying new foods.
Listening to: Spotify. I just love Spotify. I love how I can make all sorts of playlists and add any music I want. As long as I have wifi, which we do at the apartment, I can listen to my playlists for free. I’ve also been playing this song over and over, because I love the sound of these two voices together. I’ve been singing along and pretending my voice sounds as good as their voices!
Watching: Travis and I finished Friday Night Lights together when I got here. I just loved that show! This week, we watched the end of the first season of How to Get Away with Murder. We got way behind with the move, so we were excited and shocked to see what happened at the end. Now, we’re trying to decide what to start next!
Eating/Drinking: I tried my first meal of Korean food when I got here — Shrimp Tempura U-Dong. It was pretty good. It was the biggest shrimp I’d ever eaten, and I really liked the broth. The noodles were not as good as I had hoped. My favorite place here is Smoothie King, which they have on the Army post. I could have a smoothie every day! Travis also took me to the Katusa (which is a Korean soldier who works for the American Army) Snack Bar. I tried a few new dishes there. The only one I liked was called Yaki Mandu, which is basically a dumpling or egg roll type of dish.
Working on: I’ve started back up on my Elite Blog Academy course. I took a long break during our move and then working on the house, but now I’m looking forward to getting back into improving this blog baby of mine. I’ve been promoting this course like crazy this week as enrollment has opened back up, but it’s only because I really like this course and what I’ve been learning. I want to see other people’s blogs grow right along with mine! If you’re interested in enrolling, you need to do so now because it closes April 21 and won’t open back up until 2016 — that’s a long time to wait!
Learning: About the Republic of Korea of course! I’ve learned how to say “thank you” in Korean after lots of practice and saying it over and over in my head. I really wanted to learn it, and I think I’ve finally got it down!
I’ve learned that Korea has tons of coffee shops, and they always have really good pastries! I’ve learned that the police officers always have the lights on for their cars. Speaking of police cars, we got stopped on a street one day as a police escorted motorcade drove by. We wonder who was in that car!
Oh, and I’ve also learned that my husband is a rock star athlete! I always knew he was athletic, but this week I’ve gotten to see him play soccer, softball, and volleyball — and he’s awesome. I sure hope our future children get his athleticism rather than my lack of it!
Here are some photos from my week!
What have you been up to currently?
So good to hear from you!
Thanks for your post. So glad to hear that Korea is full of sunshine with your all athlete!
How freaking cool is that?! Travel is in my blood and even though my husband likes to travel I know he secretly would rather stay snug in his Florida sunshine.
Asian food is my weakness! I love trying authentic food any time it’s available. Jealous!
Kaitlyn Soroka recently posted…7 Months: 12 Weeks Until We Meet
You would love the food here then! I’m more of an Italian food kind of girl. You’ll have to stop back by when I post my guide to Korean food coming soon!