Here’s what I’ve been up to currently …
Thinking about: How grown up we all are. By we, I mean my friends and me. My best friend from high school just got married over the weekend. I was her matron of honor, and the wedding was beautiful and special and everything I would hope for her. It’s so crazy, though, that we are both married now. There were lots of emotional moments throughout the weekend. I’m just so very thankful that we’ve stayed close even after all these years.
And I’m so happy that she’s found such a great guy. Now that I’ve found such a wonderful man and have experienced such great love, I want all my friends to get to have that too.
Reading: I read so many good books in Florida — my two favorites were Kisses from Katie and Veil of Pearls. I’m getting ready to start the book A Million Little Ways by Emily Freeman. There are just so many good books, and I want to read them all!
Praying about: I’ve spent a lot of time lately praying for my marriage — of course I should be praying for it all the time, but I’ve been praying for it extra these past few weeks as communication between Travis and I has become more difficult. We are 13 hours apart, so we normally have 1-2 hours of potential time to talk each day. If we already have plans or he has to go into work early, that time gets drastically shortened. So I’ve just been praying for us — for communication, for protection, for strength. And for perspective — that God will remind me there are so many people who have it worse and I have no right to complain about our situation. To see this as a brave adventure.
Listening to: I’m loving the song “Honey, I’m Good” by Andy Grammer lately. I just find it so catchy, upbeat, and fun.
Watching: Yesterday, I watched a movie called Summer Snow with my mom on the Up Network, and it was very good. I recommend it!
Eating/Drinking: We got an ice cream cake for my dad for Father’s Day, and thankfully he shared that cake with us. I love me some ice cream cake! Especially the fudge part in the middle!
Working on: Blog posts and DIY projects. I’m hopefully going to tackle painting my basement today!
Learning: How much God loves me. I LOVE all the little ways He shows me each and every day. And I hope that I can keep my eyes fixed on Him so I don’t ever miss one of His love notes.
Thankful that you and your best friends from H.S. are all finding wonderful men to love you. Fun reading what you are up to these days. I had never heard your “current” song choice, but listened to it and it is pretty cute! I’m soon celebrating 29 years with my man. I’m currently … working at home on a major project, dreaming of a “real” vacation near water, being thankful for my family and grateful for still having my parents around to visit and just enjoying life.