I’m teaming up with DaySpring to talk about strengthening marriages. They are offering a giveaway to my readers because they value marriage as much as I do. Be sure to read all the way to the end because we’ve got a giveaway and a promo code just for you guys!
If there’s one thing I learned last year while Travis was stationed in Korea it’s how important it is to strengthen your marriage in any way you can. Being long distance put an incredible strain on our marriage, and I’m so thankful that God got us through and we survived.
Today, Travis and I are celebrating our three-year wedding anniversary. After the struggles we faced last year, it feels like we’ve been married longer than three years! I’m thankful for those years and the things we’ve learned about ourselves and each other. Our marriage has been strengthened in a new way each year.
One of the things we have learned in those three years is how important it is to recognize the things your spouse does for you. We both love being appreciated. Who doesn’t?
One night when I came home from a spouse event, I opened the door to a clean kitchen. The dishes had been washed and put away. The counters had been wiped down. I noticed immediately, and it was such a relief to know I didn’t need to clean before bed. I thanked Travis over and over. I wanted him to know I noticed his work and I appreciated it. I felt loved from his act of service, and he felt loved from my words of affirmation. He recognized how much that one simple act meant to me, and now he’s more likely to do things like that again.
We have seen this example over and over in different ways throughout our marriage. Acts of kindness and love to one another go a long way. And that’s why I love one of the gifts we got for our anniversary! DaySpring sent us the You + Me gift set, which is based off the bestselling book The Five Love Languages.
This set includes:
- A journal
- A perpetual calendar
- A love notes set
- A coupon book
DaySpring is giving my readers a special deal. You can get 50% off this set by using code SUNSHINE.
My favorite part is the journal — who would have guessed that a writer loves having a place to write?
The You + Me Journal for 2 has become such a fun way for us to show our love and appreciation to each other. We have turned it into a game.
A Game for Strengthening Your Marriage
I write inside the journal what Travis has done lately to make me feel loved, or perhaps what I love about him, or whatever else I want to write. Then I hide the journal someplace where he’ll find it. When he finds it, he gets to read what I’ve written, write his own note to me, and hide the journal for me to find.
I just found the journal in a drawer in my bathroom, and it was so fun! I was so surprised to see it, and I loved reading what my husband wrote to me. It’s become a fun game that helps us show each other love in a whole new way.
If you get this journal, turn it into a game and enjoy surprising your spouse with your loving words (or drawings!). We have really enjoyed this game, and I imagine it will be something we do for years! (Or until the journal is full — and what a great keepsake!)
Here are some fun places to hide the journal:
- In their vehicle
- In the fridge
- In their desk
- Under their pillow
- Next to their toothbrush
- By their favorite snacks
- Inside their lunchbox
- Mail it to them
- Inside their suitcase when they take a trip
- In their underwear drawer
- Put it on their desk at their workplace
What other fun places can you think of to hide the journal for your spouse to find?
We really love all the other things inside this gift set too. The coupon book is full of ways to show each other love — perfect for when you are going blank on ideas!
Each page of this book includes a way to bless your spouse, based on one of the five love languages written about by Gary Chapman in his book, The 5 Love Languages. On the back of each coupon, you’ll find a scripture or an excerpt from the book. We recommend keeping this coupon booklet in a place where you both will see it often to remind yourselves to show love.
The love notes set is my second favorite part of this gift set! It includes 32 love notes for you to tear out and leave somewhere for your spouse to find. I love that each note has space on the back to write your own personal message.
There’s also the perpetual calendar. Did you know I use a perpetual calendar every day? I love having one on my desk. This calendar has day-to-day words to inspire you. Each page is filled with excerpts from The Five Love Languages or scripture to help you experience deeper intimacy with your spouse.
You can get the whole gift set or each item also comes individually. Check out all of the You + Me collection in the anniversary section of DaySpring.
It’s time for a GIVEAWAY!
DaySpring and I would like to give one of these You + Me gift sets to one of you wonderful readers! Update: The giveaway has been closed. Congrats to Chanada from California for winning!
DaySpring is also offering my readers a 50% discount on this You + Me set. Use code SUNSHINE. This code ends June 30.
Check out these other marriage posts:
- Loving Your Husband When Your Own Love Tank is Low
- 50 Ways to Show Your Spouse Love
- 8 Tips for Making Marriages Last
Want other great marriage posts? Follow my Pinterest board Marriage: Loving My Hubby.
I’ve been married 30 years on June 28, 2016. I try to tell my husband things I appreciate about him often. I also like to leave him notes – sometimes in his lunch box, on the bathroom mirror or in his truck. I think this looks like a neat set from DaySpring and I love the 5 love languages book.
Happy anniversary to you too!
My husband and I have been married 8 years this coming July. One way we have strengthened our marriage has been relying on God. Last year my husband and I went through a separation for nearly 6 months out of the entire year. It was one of our toughest times we had ever faced. But, I continued my bible study with Love God Greatly and grew closer and closer to God and fully relied on him. I wrote more about this hard time here: http://www.honeysucklefootprints.com/how-i-strengthened-my-spiritual-relationship/
Amanda B. recently posted…There’s No Laundry In Heaven
Amanda, thanks for sharing your post. I would love to read it because my husband and I have also been through some very hard times and it just so happens that that time was also when I became closer to God than I’ve ever been.
Happy anniversary!!! Also it’s so funny that you mention the You + Me kit– I bought a few of the pieces when it first released at LifeWay. I have the love notes and the prayer post-its, I think.
Bailey recently posted…Bailey’s Bridal Shower
Thank you! Oh, aren’t they so cute?!
This is so fun! Our seven year anniversary is on Sunday and prayer has definitely been the strengthening force behind our marriage.
Well happy anniversary to you too Tiffany! Good luck in the giveaway!
And my husband will be married 6 years on July 10th. One way we have strengthened our marriage is that we make a point to be active in each other’s day to day lives. We are coaches and time can be scarce but him popping in on my dance practice or me on his football practices strengthens us and keeps us going. It helps us to stop and smile and remember how much we love each other and can’t wait to sit down and break bread when we get home every night.
I love this Chanada! Good luck in the giveaway!
Hi! Our 10 year anniversary is Friday! One way we have strengthened our marriage is by making time to talk and have honest discussions about what is bothering us.
Happy anniversary Jessica! Ten years! Wow, way to go!
We’ve been married for a short 2 months and still have sooo much to learn. One thing I’ve found so important already is communication is key. Often times I expect him to figure out himself instead of straight up telling him how I am feeling. We learn as we go and grow:)
Congrats! You’re still a newlywed Lynelle! How fun! That is such an important aspect to marriage. So often we expect our spouses to read our minds. My husband and I have learned to discuss our expectations before events or weekends or whatever because it helps us not argue and prevents one of us or both of us from being disappointed.
Our anniversary is June 21 and it will be 8 years this year. We learned a few years back that when we are at our best we are spending quality time together and making time for each other. In order to emotionally and physically connect we have to have time and communication.
My husband and I have been married almost 4 years. He is a pilot and is gone a lot. We have learned to communicate and to make the most of the time that he is home. Thank you for this post! I am excited about it.