Since I took an unofficial break from blogging, or in other words got way too busy and didn’t have time to write, I figured my first post as I try to get back into the swing of things should just be an update.
That means it’s time for a currently post where you can see what I’ve been up to.
Thinking about: How behind I am! Ahh! It feels like there is so much to do — write blog posts, schedule social media posts, work for my clients, unpack my house, organize, clean, meal plan, make a dentist appointment… The list goes on and on. This move has really thrown me off!
I’ve also been thinking a lot about how excited I am for fall this year. We have a big backyard with a fire pit and trees and a deck, and I can’t wait to have little parties out there. I want lawn chairs all around and marshmallows roasting and good conversations as we sit around in our sweatshirts and jeans.
Reading: I started the book What’s It Like to Be Married to Me by Linda Dillow before we moved, and honestly I’ve probably read two chapters. I have not had time to read. Hopefully once things get in order, I’ll be able to sit down with my book and enjoy it. I have been keeping up with my daily devotional Savor by Shauna Niequist — and just as I expected when I got the book, I love it!
Praying about: We’ve been praying that we will be able to quickly and easily find a church, friends, and community here in Tennessee. Fellowship and community are so important to me. In Missouri, I made friends easily because my husband’s class all got there at the same time. All of us wives were new and looking for friendships. It’s harder when you show up and friendships have already been formed. It can be difficult to get connected and find those friendships that will build you up. We are praying that God will orchestrate our connections so that we meet the right people at the right time.
Listening to: Now that we have internet connected at our house, I’ve been listening to worship music as I unpack. I have a few different playlists on Spotify that I really enjoy.
Watching: The Olympics of course! I really enjoy watching gymnastics, swimming, and volleyball. Go USA!
Eating/Drinking: I’ve been trying to eat really healthy lately, so that means lots of salads and veggies and protein. I’ve surprisingly really enjoyed eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I used to eat PB&J literally every single day in school. It was packed in my lunch box from 1st grade to senior year. So after high school, I was done with PB&J — so over it. But now, suddenly, it tastes great again!
Working on: Trying to catch up here on my blog! This will be my first post in a couple weeks, and I’m hoping to keep up with my writing. I’m going to try to stick to two posts a week, so maybe you can shoot up a prayer that God inspires me with the words my readers need to hear. I’ve also got an idea and an outline for a devotional ebook I’d like to write. But the hard part is actually sitting down and writing it, so maybe you could pray for that too?
Learning: I went into this move thinking, “I’ve got this! I’m practically an expert now!” But whew, this move is making me never want to move again. However, I know that we have several more moves in our future. I guess I’m learning or trying to learn that I can give myself grace. I don’t have to have all the boxes unpacked in the first week. I don’t have to keep my blog going in the midst of crazy. It’s OK if I don’t know where everything is going to go or where I want that picture hung. I can take my time, and I can give myself grace. I can rest. I can take a nap after opening two boxes. It will all get done and I shouldn’t kill myself in the meantime.
What about you? What have you been up to currently?
I need a LOVE button. Great blog. Neat to hear what you are doing and it sounds exciting to be in a new place. Praying you do find a church, friends and continue to give yourself “grace” in those moments of overwhelming to do list.
If you’re living in Clarksville, I have a few friends that go to First Baptist Church Clarksville and love it! My church is starting a church plant in Oak Grove called The High Ground and we love it! Hopefully you get plugged into a new church soon! Praying that you make friends quickly 🙂
I’ve gotten so many church recommendations, which means there must be a lot of great ones around here! Yay! Thanks for the suggestions. I hope we find our home church soon!
Promise me you’ll try Awaken Church! We miss it so incredibly much. If you hear Nate Witiuk speak (he’s the associate pastor), tell him you know me! Gosh, we just miss everything about that church. It’s wonderful!
Erica recently posted…Slice of Life (+ a Giveaway!) – August 16th, 2016
Oh wow, guess we better check that one out! Thanks for the recommendation Erica! I wish you were still here so we could meet!