Travis and I have now lived on or near four military bases — Fort Stewart, Camp Henry, Fort Leonard Wood, and now Fort Campbell. Over the years, we’ve began to notice similarities. They all have their differences of course. Fort Campbell doesn’t have giant live oak trees, but Fort Stewart didn’t have beautiful fall colors. But there are a few things that they all seem to have in common. Things that give it away that you are near a military base. That’s why Travis and I came up with this fun list!
You Know You Live Near a Military Base When…
You are wondering if you just heard thunder or if training is going on … or wait, was that an earthquake?
You don’t think twice when a helicopter flies exceptionally close over your home.
You make sure you always have your ID on you so that you can buy groceries.
You always make sure you have cash on hand so you can tip the baggers.
You learn to sleep through the sounds of revelry in the morning.
You become accustom to seeing moving trucks in your neighborhood.
You know better than to visit the grocery store on the 1st or 15th of every month, yet you’ve probably done it on accident before.
You notice every man you see has a high and tight haircut. You’re surprised to see a man with facial hair.
You take the time it will take to pull your car over twice a day for revelry and retreat into account when figuring up your commute time.
You always know where to find a Korean restaurant, a liquor store, and a cash for title business because they are right outside the gate.
You are used to sitting in traffic jams caused by tanks or other military vehicles.
What other things would you add to this list?
Check out these other posts about military life:
Oh yes, the 0630 and 1700 revelry and retreat! I try to plan my errands around making sure I’m home long before 1700!
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