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Last month I asked ya’ll if you enjoyed this series, and I was surprised that so many said yes! Seems like you like this series and want it to stick around, so here we go!
This month I’m doing the same concept as last month. I’ll list some questions about Travis and I will answer them. His response will be in Italics underneath.
1. What is something he could collect?
Hmm, first of all baseballs. He sort of does collect baseballs. He has a ton from growing up, and a few from adulthood. I like to buy him a baseball if I/we go on a trip. I also think he could collect random hobby equipment. Travis tends to go all out into a hobby for awhile. He was into wine making, then scuba diving, then racquetball, and now woodworking. He still likes all of those things (well, expect wine making), but he sort of goes through phases and ends up having a ton of random hobby equipment. Reminds me of Ann from Parks and Rec and all her different boyfriend boxes.
laughing and nodding — Yes, that’s correct. I love my hobbies. Next time, I’ll try to pick one that isn’t so expensive.
2. What would he eat every day if he could?
Tacos or burritos. He loves anything Mexican. He loves Qdoba. He loves this local Mexican restaurant here. I think he would eat their tacos for every meal if he could.
I don’t know if it would be tacos, but Mexican food in general? Yes. Also, I could eat Grandma Warner’s mashed potatoes and noodles every day.
3. What is his cereal of choice?
Travis RARELY eats cereal. I think I may have seen him eat cereal once or twice in the past five years. He claims his favorite cereal is Lucky Charms, but I don’t think he even likes cereal — no matter what kind.
I do like Lucky Charms, and I could eat cereal but one time I had to throw out spoiled milk and now I can’t eat cereal at all. Yuck!
4. What would he never wear?
This is a hard question. I can think of lots of things I don’t think he should ever wear! But he would probably wear just about anything if it meant making me laugh or hearing me say, “TRAV!” in my annoyed/frustrated/embarrassed voice. So to change the question to what would he never wear in public, I would go with a speedo.
laughing — That’s correct. I would not wear a speedo in public. But really, whatever clothes Tiffany picks out for me I’d wear.
5. What is his favorite sports team?
I think it’s a toss up between the Cincinnati Reds baseball team, Indianapolis Colts football team, or the Purdue Boilermakers basketball team. I’m curious if he has a favorite between those three.
Uh yes I do. Purdue basketball team is my number one!
What would your spouse say? Make this a fun game and see if you can get the answers right!
I love this. I can almost hear the two of you. Fun questions.