I recently saw a post about things that moms want for Mother’s Day. And it was a joke! I do not want a pair of designer sunglasses. Don’t buy me a purse or a candle. Nope. As a new mama, I can tell you what moms really want for Mother’s Day. Or at least these are the things I want!
Mother’s Day Gifts for New Mamas
1. Sleep. New mamas get no more than three consecutive hours of sleep at a time for at least a month. Isn’t that considered torture to wake someone up constantly so they never get a good night’s sleep? I feel like I saw that on an episode of Criminal Minds. Sleep deprivation is a real thing we go through. I had no idea how tired I can really be. So I can guarantee a new mama would want sleep more than anything else.
2. A massage. Yes, I would love to have someone work out all those kinks in my neck and back from holding and rocking and bouncing that precious baby. Tell me you don’t need a massage after trying to position your newborn correctly for breastfeeding — every two hours! And bending your neck down to try to see if they are latched correctly.
3. An uninterrupted shower. Not just a quick shower either. A long, hot shower where she can actually shave her legs. And make sure she’s not in earshot of the baby. I can’t enjoy a shower if I can hear her crying. Give her enough time to apply lotion afterward and even dry her hair!
4. A pedicure. I basically would always take a pedicure as a gift. Even more so when I have no time to myself including time to paint my toenails.
5. Nursing tops. If she’s breastfeeding, she has to have access to her boobs at all times. Having nursing bras and tops makes breastfeeding easier. I have the hardest time finding cute nursing tops. All I’ve found are tank tops. Very few stores (that I’ve found) have nursing clothes. There are a few online stores like Kindred Bravely and Latched Mama that seem to have some cute options. I would love to get some new tops and maybe a nightgown! Check out all my favorite nursing clothes here!
6. Date night. It’s crazy how adding a really small human to your family can completely change the dynamics of your marriage. I feel like we have WAY less quality time, and that first month I was in such a fog (from sleep deprivation and hormones and recovery), that we barely had a conversation that didn’t involve whether our daughter pooped that day. A date night would be fantastic! Keeping your marriage a priority is so important, and some time alone is a great way to do that.
7. New pants. This might sound strange, but once I recovered from childbirth I realized I had no pants to wear! My maternity jeans were too big without my big belly to hold them up. My pre-pregnancy pants were all too tight! What a disappointment! Even my yoga pants were too small around my new mama waist. Having a chance to go buy some new pants that fit well is nice. Who wants to wear sweatpants everywhere? Well, OK yes, we all want to, but should we?
8. A mommy break. My husband took the baby one night and let me go out on my own for some “me” time. It was fantastic! After six weeks of constant “me and baby” time, I was ready for some “just me” time. It was really nice to be alone and go do whatever I wanted. I didn’t have to carry a diaper bag or put a baby in and out of a car seat. Give her a mommy break so she can go shopping or eat a meal in peace. Perhaps she will want to read a book or watch her favorite TV show.
9. A real conversation. Being a stay at home mom can be lonely and isolating, especially when you aren’t used to it. Having a friend come over just to chat or maybe some friend time out together. Even a playdate would work. Mamas just need some time to talk with another adult — you know, someone who can actually talk back!
10. A maid. And a chef. Being a new mama usually means all your time is wrapped up in baby. That leaves little time for household chores like cleaning and cooking and picking up groceries. Do these things for her and she will be smiling this Mother’s Day!
Some other ideas are:
- Recovery items like this list I created for women recovering from a vaginal tear after delivery,
- Breastfeeding essentials!
- Stretch mark cream (if you are hubby reading this list, don’t buy this for your wife even though she might want it, but if you’re a friend who has her own stretch marks, then go for it!)
- Support instead of your opinions. I think we are all tired of hearing everyone’s opinions and maybe even their advice. Instead, just offer a listening ear and tell her how great she’s doing.
What would you add to this list of Mother’s Day gift ideas for new mamas? What would you like this year?
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