As I’ve said before, breastfeeding was really hard for me at first. We had trouble getting a good latch, my breasts were sore all the time, and Raylee was eating constantly (or at least it seemed like it). So during that first month, to help me out and give me a little break, my husband would give our daughter a bottle twice a day. I would pump using a breast pump during those times, but it also gave me a chance to sleep a little longer.
For me, pumping was a way to grow a stash of milk to keep in the freezer and a way to give myself a break from the constant breastfeeding. For others, they pump so they can leave the baby for a certain amount of time. Some just need some time to themselves, some have a date night, and many women go back to work or school.
Breast pumps can help mothers in many different ways. But how do you decide which breast pump is right for you? It all depends on what your lifestyle is like and your reasoning for using the pump. This post is sponsored by Aeroflow Breastpumps.
Which Breast Pump is Right for You?
For the traveling mom: The Motif Duo is lightweight, compact, and quiet. It can run on its internal battery or plugged in. Because it can fit into your existing bags, you won’t need to bring an extra piece of luggage whether traveling or commuting.
For the stay-at-home mom: The Medela Pump in Style Advanced is a personal-use, double electric breast pump designed for moms who pump several times a day. The tote it comes with is a microfiber bag with the breast pump built-in for discreet storage and transportation. It includes built-in bottle holders to help prevent spills, as well as a tubing storage pocket to keep tubing organized between pumping sessions.
For the exclusive pumping mom: The Spectra S2 is the most powerful pump with customization features. The digital display makes it easy for a mom to find the ideal suction and speed for her.
For the mom with an Apple watch: The Lansinoh Smartpump comes with an app that tracks nursing and pumping. Moms can control the pump settings including the speed and suction. The memory function allows the pump to automatically set to the mom’s preferred setting.
For the mom in school: The Motif Duo is small and portable for the student who might find herself studying at different locations and realize it’s time to pump. It’s one of the quietest pumps so it won’t bother others studying in the area.
For the mom with older children: The Ameda Purely Yours has a simple customized feature that allows a mom to set the speed and suction of the pump. The closed system keeps the breast milk from sucking into the pump, keeping both the pump and the milk clean. The bottle holsters will help stop spills too.
I have the Medela in Style Advanced breast pump (shown above), which works great for me as a stay-at-home mama. I love all the accessories it comes with like the cooler, ice pack, extra tubes, and the tote bag. To maintain your milk supply, you need to pump every time your baby nurses, even if you are away from the baby. For moms who are returning to work or school, they need to consider the portability of the breast pump they choose.
Check out all the breast pump options here.
Breast Pump Considerations
Noise Levels: The Motif Duo and Spectra S2 are the quietest breast pumps.
Size: None of the breast pumps are heavy, but each requires a different size carrying case. The Motif Duo is the smallest and could fit into a purse. The Lansinoh Smartpump can fit into a large purse, while the Ameda Purely Yours and Evenflo Double Electric breast pump are lightweight but a little larger, needing a medium sized tote such as a diaper bag. The Spectra S2 and Medela would require a large tote.
Suction Power: Of course, each pump has enough suction to express breast milk, but a mom who plans to exclusively pump may need a more powerful breast pump. The more powerful pumps can hold up for longer over a longer time period. The Motif, Spectra, and Evenflo are ideal. Stronger pumps can also help encourage milk supply so they may be best for first-time moms.
How Do I Get a Breast Pump?
There is no need to purchase a breast pump because almost all insurance companies cover the cost for you. But it can be a pain trying to get a prescription from your doctor and then finding a place to order a pump and get it covered by your insurance all by yourself in the midst of pregnancy or worse having a crying newborn. That’s why Aeroflow Breastpumps does all the work for you. All you have to do is fill out the qualification form and choose the breast pump you want.
For all the military members and wives out there, Tricare covers the cost of the breast pump and even some accessories. Aeroflow Breastpumps also offers a military discount for anything that your insurance doesn’t cover.
Now that you’ve seen the many breast pump options, which one is best for you? Be sure to order yours right away, you’ll want to have it before your baby arrives if you can.
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Thank you so much for the breakdown Tiffany. From the myriads of brands on the market, it’s very difficult to pick the right breast pump. You made things soo much easier 🙂
Jija recently posted…21 Easy Healthy Recipes For Pregnant Women
Thanks! I’m glad you found this helpful!