My little spunky chick just turned one! Can you believe it? I am so glad that each month I remembered to take a photo and include all the milestones she hit. Gosh, they change so much so fast! If you want to see photos from her first six months of life — check out this post.
I used blankets that we received from people for each photo. Thank you to everyone who gave us a beautiful blanket, especially to those of you who made one!
On the evening she turned seven months, Raylee started crawling! She had already been scooting like crazy and getting into a crawling position, but she finally did it. She was also pulling herself into standing position quite often. We joked that she’d be walking before crawling. For whatever reason, Raylee was waking up about seven times a night, and we were all miserable because of it. But, she sure is cute! When she was seven months old, we took her on her first vacation to Florida! It was so fun, but much different than our previous vacations. Babies change everything!
Blanket from Lesley Niemczyk
Once Raylee was crawling, there was no stopping her! She was into everything and loved pulling things out of everything. She started reaching for people a little. Once kids are mobile, everything changes! Of course, things get crazier, but I also love that now they can choose you. If she wanted me, she could crawl to me. And that’s a pretty awesome feeling. We celebrated Thanksgiving this month, and Raylee tried her first pickle! She liked it!
Blanket from Donna McKean
At nine months, we were struggling to get Raylee to eat much solids. We were in the transition from purees to finger foods. She was sick for about two weeks, and I think that didn’t help her as far as eating goes. We celebrated Christmas with our families. Raylee started walking using furniture and her toy walker that she got for Christmas. Once she hit nine months, she began changing so much so fast!
Blanket from Mindy Harvey
By ten months, Raylee was walking and sleeping better. It felt like our whole lives had changed! We did sleep training — the Ferber method — you can read about that here. She also started eating a lot better at this point. The only problem was the same problem we’d been having since six months — she wouldn’t take a sippy cup. My breastmilk supply was also beginning to decrease, which meant she just wasn’t getting enough fluids. That caused constipation issues. 🙁
Blanket from Donna McKean
In one month’s time, Raylee gained three more teeth! She finally learned how to use a sippy cup, but she still wasn’t taking it as much as we’d like. She’s been barely gaining weight for months. We had so many doctor’s appointments because of it, and even saw a nutritionist. But despite her lack of weight gain, this girl was on the move! She loves climbing stairs and walking around to explore everything! She even began dancing to music!
Blanket from Dalaine Warner
Wow! Raylee hit the one year mark! There were definitely days were I didn’t know if either of us would make it the one year mark. But here we are! Raylee is a little firecracker. She is so active and fearless. She loves wearing shoes now because it means she gets to go outside — her favorite place. She is still fighting naps as always. She loves giving high fives, but still hasn’t mastered blowing kisses. She loves mashed potatoes, and I usually try to mash some veggies in there for some extra nutrition.
Along with our monthly photos, I also took a certain photo at every three month mark. You can really see some big changes in these photos.
Stay tuned for a post all about her first birthday party! You’ll never guess the theme we did — sunshine! She is our little sunshine after all.