Travis and I found a new church right away after moving here to Louisville. We had decided to start as close as we could and work our way out as we tried churches. The first church we tried was just half a mile from our house. It turns out that we loved it, pretty much immediately. It was exactly what we were looking for. So rather than waste our time trying other churches, we decided to start getting plugged into this church right away. We’ve been going there for around five months now and we knew we wanted to become members so that we could start getting more involved with serving.
This church requires you to be baptized by immersion in order to become a member. Something I’ve never done. I was actually baptized as a baby — when they just sprinkle a little water on your head. That’s just how they did it at the church my mom attended at the time. Knowing I had been baptized previously, I had never felt the need to be baptized when I was saved or when I became really serious about my faith. I know baptism doesn’t save me, it’s just a symbol of my salvation. With all this in mind, I didn’t want to become baptized just to join a church. That’s not a good reason to be baptized, and I didn’t want to do it for the wrong reasons. So I began praying about it and talking with my spiritual mentors (my mom and grandma) about it.
At the same time, Travis and I have been reading “The Purpose Driven Life” together before bed. One night, the author Rick Warren, talked all about the importance of baptism. It was so good! So good that I want to share some of it.
Baptism is not an optional ritual, to be delayed or postponed. It signifies your inclusion in God’s family. It publicly announces to the world, “I am not ashamed to be a part of God’s family.” Jesus commanded this beautiful act for all in his family.
Baptism is pregnant with meaning. Your baptism declares your faith, shares Christ’s burial and resurrection, symbolizes your death to your old life, and announces your new life in Christ. It is also a celebration of your inclusion in God’s family.
Baptism doesn’t make you a member of God’s family; only faith in Christ does that. Baptism shows you are part of God’s family. Like a wedding ring, it is a visible reminder of an inward commitment made in your heart. – Rick Warren
I don’t know what you heard when you read that. But I heard God saying, “Tiffany, go be baptized. And do it soon!” Well, OK then. The next time we went to church, I filled out a card to be baptized.
Fast forward one week. Travis had to work, so I went to church by myself. Our pastor was doing a series on the ten commandments. That week, the sermon was about four words: “Thou Shall Not Murder.” What am I going to get out of this? It’s not like I’ve murdered anyone. Well, the sermon convicted me of my anger toward a person who really hurt me and my family three years ago. Three years of built up hatred. There was a lot of crying on my part, and I was glad Travis wasn’t there to witness it! I was convicted that I needed to forgive this person and let it go — move forward. I had still been having nightmares thanks to this person.
I talked to God that morning sitting there in the pew. I told Him there was no way I could forgive this person in my own strength. It wasn’t that I would ever murder this person, but if they didn’t end up in Heaven, I wouldn’t be mad. I kept thinking, “This is the person who almost destroyed part of my life. Almost destroyed ME!”
I knew, though, that if I forgave I would be less angry, I could be more in tune with the Holy Spirit, and I could worship freely. So I asked Jesus to do it through me. Help me to forgive. Help me to let it go.
Lots of tears later, I stood up to join in the last worship song. The words hit me right in the heart. “No power of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck me from His hand.” Here I had been thinking over and over how this person’s schemes had almost destroyed ME and here in this song God reminded me — they can’t destroy me. Nothing this person did or does can ever destroy me. Because no schemes and no power — not even the power of tricky, evil Satan — can destroy me. None of it can pluck me from the hand of God — my Shelter, my Protector, my Almighty Savior and Healer and Forgiver. My All. What a powerful reminder He sent me. I was so ready to be baptized!
Today, I was washed by the water. I was baptized at church. I was baptized because I wanted to choose for myself to do it. I wanted to proclaim in a visible way that I am committed to Christ. I wanted to do it the same way Jesus had. I wanted the symbolism and visible representation of the cleansing He had done in my heart that Sunday just weeks prior. He washed my heart. He made me clean. I am new and whole and want everyone to know it.
Have you been baptized? Read my other faith posts here!
Awesome testimony Tiffany. So proud of you for taking another step closer to the Lord. Looking forward to studying God’s word with you over the next year. So glad God brought you to our church.