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Well, it’s here. The big 3-0. Yes, this month I turn 30 years old. In a way it seems unreal, and then I think about it and realize that’s about right. Yep, I’m turning 30, and it’s got me thinking of some reflections.
Last year, I attended a weekend getaway with a friend who was turning 30. Several girls got together to celebrate my friend, and it was such a wonderful time out in the mountains of Tennessee. One night, as we basked in the heat of the hot tub on our cabin porch, one friend asked the birthday girl some really reflective questions. I loved it! I love stuff like that — really good, deep discussions that make you think. Knowing my birthday was on the horizon, I thought to myself about my own answers and reflections.
Since I enjoyed it so much, and since many of my friends will be turning 30 this year or soon, I thought I’d share some reflective questions. I enjoyed thinking them through and answering. Hopefully you’ll enjoy reading about my reflections and maybe you’ll reflect yourself — with whatever birthday you have coming up this year!
Reflections for Birthday Milestones
Looking Back
Describe where you were at in life a decade ago.
I believe I turned 20 during my sophomore year of college. That was a tough year for me. I had spent the summer working as a camp counselor and it was an amazing experience. I think that was such a high, that going back to school felt like a low. That was a year of trying to find myself and my friendships and my place. I made a lot of mistakes along the way. But turning 20 was pretty fun! My college roommate surprised me by having some of my camp friends come to visit. We all went out to Pizza Hut and played games (two of my favorite things!). That weekend was our college formal, and it’s always fun to get all dressed up and go dancing.
Describe your favorite birthdays so far. What made them special?
I have had so many special birthdays! My mom was always awesome at making sure my birthday parties were a hit. She always made cut out cakes when I was a kid. Then when I grew into adolescence she always had my best friends over and made up games like personalized bingo and white elephant gifts where we could steal from each other. Or we would have fondue and sing karaoke in our living room.
One of my favorite birthdays was when I turned 16. My parents threw me a surprise party with all my family, and I wasn’t expecting it all. I especially remember the 7 layer chocolate mousse cake that was amazing!
In college, I was lucky enough to have friends and roommates who loved celebrating birthdays. My roommates always made my birthdays special with surprises or game nights or homemade cakes.
As an adult, my favorite birthday was when I turned 25. My husband surprised me with a trip to Disney World, and it was SO much fun! I guess I like surprises more than I realize!
What was your least favorite birthday and why?
That would definitely be my 27th birthday. Travis and I were in the middle of a move to Missouri, so we were living in a hotel. But the worst part was I was miscarrying our first baby. All I did was cry, cramp, bleed, and lay around all day in the hotel. We couldn’t even be in the comfort of our own home because we didn’t have one. But we did get Pizza Hut, so there’s that!
What was your favorite memory from the past year?
Oh my goodness, this is hard to choose! There were so many wonderful memories this past year, but I think my favorite was Raylee’s first birthday party. I loved how it all turned out — the food, the decorations, the cake — it was all just like I had envisioned it and worked hard to put together. But the best part was having so many people we loved come to celebrate our favorite girl. Raylee loved all the attention too!
What was your least favorite memory from the past year?
I would say just the stresses that came with moving, finding a house, transitioning, saying goodbye to our Clarksville friends. Change is always hard for me.
What’s one goal you accomplished last year?
I would say refinishing an old hutch and turning it into a beautiful piece for our living room. I am so proud of that thing!
What has been your greatest achievement in life so far?
Probably raising Raylee. I don’t consider it an achievement, though, just because it’s not finished. But I guess I can say raising her so far. Although, I don’t think that’s really something I’ll ever be finished with!
What’s something you were happy about this past year that you want to continue doing?
I read a lot of books this past year — somewhere around 35 books I think. That’s a lot for someone with a kid, in my opinion. I love reading. It’s something I do for ME. It’s a way to relax, to learn, to get away. Books are a pleasure. So if I could keep reading I’d like to keep doing that.
What’s one mistake you’ve made that you can learn from?
In all of life, I’d say my biggest mistake was one time when I chose my family and my comfort over my marriage. It was a terrible mistake that was mostly made out of fear. I saw some major consequences, and I definitely learned my lesson. From now on, I think of the verse, “Where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay” from Ruth 1:16. I’ve learned to choose my husband, no matter what.
Looking Ahead
How do you feel about turning 30?
In a way, I’m like, “Whoa, when did this happen?” At the same time, it feels right. I feel 30 I guess. I’m not upset about it because I like where my life is right now. I’m very content with where things are, so 30 doesn’t seem too bad. Now, 40 will probably be another story!
What is one goal or something you want to accomplish in the next year?
I’d like to take at least two trips, even if they are close by. I’d like to visit the Cincinnati area to see the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter. My mom and I have talked about going with our whole family a lot, but nothing has been planned yet. We also have a trip planned to Tennessee with my grandparents and all their grandchildren and spouses. That is going to be such a fun trip! I really hope everyone gets to come.
How do you want to celebrate your 30th birthday? And how are you actually celebrating?
I would have loved to go somewhere. Travis and I love to travel and explore and try new restaurants. But that’s just not in the cards, at least not for this month. Maybe we will do something for his birthday or our anniversary. So instead, I’ve got my two best friends from college coming to visit. We haven’t all three been together in years. I’m also planning on going out on a date with my husband, and my mom and I are going to spend a full day together shopping. Trip or no trip, it’s going to be a great birthday!
What’s something you want to change in the year(s) to come?
I would love to be able to see myself grow spiritually this year and every year after. Knowing Jesus more and becoming more like him is one of my ultimate goals in life. It would make me a better wife, a better mom, a better friend — just all around better. I would love to see my patience grow. I am an easily-frustrated person, so I would love to see that change. The best way to do that is probably to get in step with the Holy Spirit so that things are in perspective — from a Kingdom view, not a worldly one. All that to say, I guess my word for 2019 is pretty spot on.
Where do you see yourself a decade from now?
Wow, about to be 40 years old. No offense to anyone, but that feels old to me. Mostly because when I think of 40s, that’s the age my parents are. Even though they aren’t anymore, to me they will always be in their 40s. Maybe in 10 years I won’t feel that way anymore. I hope by then we live in Indiana, on the property we own next to my family. I hope we’ve built our dream forever home there. I see us with three kids and they will probably all be in school. I’ve been going back and forth about homeschooling someday, so maybe I will be doing that. Or maybe I’ll be back to freelance writing and editing while the kids are in school. Oh, what would be really neat is if I’m writing a book. Or better yet, have already written a book! I see us very involved in our church too. I wonder where Travis will work. It’s fun to dream about the future. But I know nothing ever happens the way we dream. God usually has bigger, better things in store for us. So whatever comes in the next 10 years, I’ll just leave it up to Him.
Did you enjoy these reflections? When is your next big birthday?
Loved it Tiffany. Great reflections. Such a great idea and super questions for any of us on our birthdays. You are a super young lady and I hope you have an awesome birthday.
Thanks Ann!
Happy 30th Birthday to my first child, my beautiful daughter! I have loved watching you grow into the wonderful woman you are today. You are so special. I enjoyed reflecting with you and thinking back to your birthday’s. I had forgotten about the 7 layer cake on your 16th birthday. My favorite birthday of yours will always be the fondue and the girls singing in the living room with the blow up microphones! I loved when you girls were around. So much fun. I can’t wait to spend a day with you shopping and talking and laughing and talking and laughing and laughing and shopping!! Pray now that the snow is not bad and I can get there. I love you so much. Thanks for sharing your reflections.
Can’t wait for all that too!
My big 40 is next Thursday:) Happy 30th
Happy birthday to you!
Your comments about turning 40 made me laugh. I turn 40 this year but also have 2 little (25 months and 10 weeks) so I feel young and old :). It is fun to reflect on where we have come and dream about where we will be in the future. It is an exciting adventure God has for each of us.
Oh yeah, with two littles you are still very young!