I’ve been seeing other bloggers get involved in this series called The Guys Behind the Blog created by Betsy at Heavens to Betsy. This monthly series gives the guy behind the blog a chance to answer five questions so we all can get to know them better.
I decided I wanted to join in on this series, which is also a monthly link-up, for two reasons. First, my husband Travis is so supportive of this blog it’s a little ridiculous. He is always encouraging me to keep going and keep improving it. I think he believes in this space more than me at times. Second, this will be a great way to get him involved while we’re doing this long distance marriage. (If you’re new here, my husband is currently stationed in Korea.) Bonus: My husband is awesome, and I know you’re going to love getting to know him more!
I hope you’ll join me in welcoming the Guy Behind This Blog, Travis.
1. What is your favorite family tradition?
My favorite family tradition is waking up on Christmas morning and going out to my living room with all of my family, and eating my mom’s breakfast casserole as my dad reads the Christmas story from the Bible. Then we play games such as Deal or No Deal, the cash crane game, Let’s Make a Deal, and various word games. I love how the family is growing as me and my sisters have got married and are starting to have children!
2. Who’s your male celebrity crush?
Um I would probably have to say Matt Damon or Jason Statham. Just because I wish my real life were like most of their movies! I love action and adventure!
3. What song best sums you up?
This is probably the hardest question! It really depends on what day you ask me. But right now I think I would say “Live Like You Were Dying” by Tim McGraw. Being in Korea, I have been trying so many new things and traveling as much as I can! Instead of just sitting in my apartment missing all of my family back in the States, I am trying to do as many new things as possible.
4. What three things do you think of the most each day?
Well I will try to keep this family friendly so I will not give you my real answers … but my top two answers are the same thing! 🙂 (You try living on the opposite side of the world of your smoking hot wife and see what you think about the most!)
So the first thing I think about the most each day is my wife. I have her photo as my background on my phone, I have pictures of her all over my apartment and at my desk at work. I am constantly catching myself thinking about just how much I miss her!
The second thing I catch myself thinking all of the time is “I have no idea what I am doing!” I started a new job here in Korea and it has been a pretty steep learning curve. I enjoy learning new things and I am a pretty quick learner, but these first few months it seems like I’ve been drinking from a fire hose!
The third thing I’ve been thinking about lately is just how lucky I have been throughout my life! I know this may sound cliché but I am so blessed to have grown up in a middle class American family. Growing up I always heard how rich and lucky Americans are, but to be honest I don’t think that can really sink in until you visit some poorer countries. I visited Indonesia last weekend and I have some friends who visited the Philippines (I am planning a trip with my wife there this summer). There are some people there who live on less than $10 USD a day. I could write forever about all of the amenities I grew up with that most of the world only dreams of having, but I just recently have realized just how lucky I have been during my life.
5. What is your most embarrassing memory?
I don’t know if it’s just because I am such a smooth guy ;-P or I just don’t get embarrassed but I can’t really think of any embarrassing moments!
There you have it folks — that’s my husband! Next month, I’ll be sharing his answers to five more questions!
I loved reading about your husband and his answers to your questions. I love that he thinks of you — his smoking, hot wife – and misses you. I know you miss him so much, too.
We all should be living by the song he picked as his favorite – “Live Like You Were Dying” – as life is too short. I think it is great that the two of you are seeing the world, traveling, and living life to the fullest!
Another thing I enjoyed reading about was how he has realized how “rich” and blessed he is by his travels to other areas of the world. I think that is true. We have no idea how fortunate we are and how “easy” we have it in America. We should be more thankful.
Thanks for sharing your photos and info about your man!
How sweet of him to join in from Korea! I love how supportive he is of your blog. I have seen a few Matt Damon answers in this link up – too fun 🙂 Thanks for joining in!
Laura Jean recently posted…Week’s End Wrap-Up
This is great. How wonderful to learn more about Travis. All of these questions were really good and I look forward to the questions next month. These make us think about our own lives and how we would answer these questions also. I love this blog!
Yes, I was thinking how I would answer them too! I should put that others can leave their answers in the comments if they want to join in!
What a sweet guy your Travis is! But I knew that, even before I read his answers!!
How sweet that he joined in from Korea! Hmm, I might have to check out the linkup… it would make for good conversation for the guy that I’m seeing (long distance, of course)
Yes, check it out. It’s fun to see everyone’s answers. And fun to ask your own guy too!
Loved the post from Travis – wonder if you should do these with other immediate family members?
Thanks for joining in with us this month, Tiffany!! Your hubby sounds so sweet…and his fave family tradition is similar to what my answer would be!
Betsy recently posted…Recipe for the Perfect Summer Afternoon
Thanks for getting it started! I am really going to look forward to this each month!
I really need to get around to doing a post like this with my husband because I love reading them from other bloggers! I love his honest comment about living on the other side of the world as you! Ha! I also love how supportive he is of your blog. I’m sure he loves reading it because it gives him a way to feel connected to everything back home.
Erica recently posted…What I Wanted to be When I Grew Up
Yes, you have to start! I would love to see what your hubby has to say!