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I can hardly believe that another year is about to begin. This past year went really quickly in my eyes, but it seems like they always do. For the last five years or so, I have chosen a word (or once two words!) to represent the upcoming year. Before I reveal my word for 2019, let’s recap 2018.
2018 — Change
Change was my word for 2018, and I think it was pretty fitting. There were a lot of changes that took place, especially with Travis. He transitioned out of the Army. He started and finished an internship. He began a brand new, very different job, in the civilian world. He also finished his master’s degree!
As a family, our big change was moving from Clarksville, Tennessee to Louisville, Kentucky — our first move where we were no longer in a military community. We bought our first house, and talk about changes! We have done so many big projects to the house already — painting walls, painting cabinets, new light fixtures, furniture, and soon new floors and blinds.
We also found a new church and began to get connected and involved. We experienced a lot of changes to friendships as we moved away and met new people here. And of course, our little Raylee has went from a 9-month-old to a 21-month-old, so there are have been a ton of changes for her! She’s learned to walk and talk and feed herself with a fork and spoon — just to name a few.
2018 in Review
I found a fun questionnaire that I’d like to share in reviewing our year.
Describe 2018 in 3 words: Putting down roots
Name a trip you went on: Greenville, South Carolina was an unexpected, but very fun, trip!
Name a friend you made: Elizabeth Gocke
Name a goal you achieved: Refinishing/repainting a hutch for our living room
Name something you learned: I learned it’s OK to let Raylee cry awhile thanks to sleep training, which completely changed our lives!
2019 — Growth
After a lot of consideration and prayer, I have chosen the word growth for 2019. I can already see many ways we will see growth this coming year. One of the biggest ways I hope we will see growth is spiritually. I want to grow closer to God through our church, my own quiet time, and through my discipleship group. I hope that Travis will be able to do the same and possibly join his own discipleship group.
I’m hoping we will see growth in our friendships as well. Since we are the new folks in town, all of our friendships are pretty surface level. But I hope that we can grow in that area and become close with a few people who we can call our new best friends.
I feel like these last several months we’ve been working on putting down roots in this new place that we now call home. In 2019, I want those roots to grow deep. I want this place to really feel like home, our home. I want it to be hard to move away someday because that will mean this place has been good to us.
2019 Goals
I want to travel to: The Cincinnati area to visit the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter.
I want to start: Better relationships with our neighbors.
I want to try: As many new restaurants as we can!
I want to learn: To really enjoy playing with Raylee and be more present when we are playing.
I want to continue to: Get involved within our church and its ministries.
I want to have: More patience with my family.
I want to be: A better friend.
Do you have a word for 2019?
DaySpring has a great quiz you can take if you can’t decide what your word of the year should be. Find Your Word Of The Year For 2019! Take The Quiz Now!
Louisville has tons of great places to eat! We love trying new places. It seems like there is always a new place popping up. Some of our favorites are Martini’s, Irish Rover, Hammerheads, Sweet Surrender, Cafe Classico, & Mussel & Burger Bar.
I can’t wait to hear what places you try.
Thank you for all the recommendations! We loved Hammerheads and Sweet Surrender is the best thing ever! We haven’t tried the others yet, but I’ll add them to my list. I don’t think we’ll ever run out of restaurant options!