I don't like bugs. Who does? Unless you are an 8-year-old boy or a biology teacher, I doubt you like bugs either. Especially bugs in your home! One of my biggest concerns with living alone was who was going to kill all the bugs! Living out in the country, I know that bugs are inevitable. But I wanted to keep them out as much as possible. I was afraid that they would crawl up through the registers of my house, so I came up with a solution. I bought a role of screen door mesh. I cut it into squares a few inches larger than my register vents. Then I lifted my register, using a vacuum cleaner Continue Reading
My First Army Wife Experience
I walked out of the gym, feeling great after my workout. And then I saw them. The tires on my car were low. Great -- of course this would happen once Travis is gone. My husband had left early that morning for two weeks in the field. Military spouses always joke that everything breaks or goes wrong when the service member leaves, but I had yet to experience it for myself being a fairly new Army wife. I got out my tire gauge and checked the air pressure. I couldn't even remember what the air pressure was supposed to be! I texted my dad who lives 800 miles away and asked what the tire Continue Reading