My husband had surgery recently. Eye surgery. It was a fairly quick procedure. I only had to wait all morning before I got to see that the surgeon hadn't blinded him. We'd been told by several people that the surgery wouldn't be the tough part -- the recovery would. We were told it is very painful and would take a couple weeks before he could see clearly. My husband came home the day before the procedure with a giant bag full of medications and eye drops. As I read the descriptions for when and how many times he was to take each one, I seriously became queasy. I thought I was going to pass Continue Reading
Marshmallow Rolls
Mmmmm mmm mmm were these good! I made these scrumptious rolls right before supper was finished cooking, and we ended up eating almost all of them before supper! A lot of people call these resurrection rolls and make them for Easter while telling the story of how Jesus rose from the dead. I remember my mother making these with my brother and I once. But since it isn't anywhere near Easter, I renamed them. And they still taste just as yummy! Here's what you'll need: Butter Crescent roll dough (I used Pillsbury-8 count) Cinnamon and sugar Marshmallows That's not too many Continue Reading