My oldest daughter, Raylee, stopped napping at what I felt was an early age. Or maybe it was just that I wasn't ready to give up that precious nap time -- also known as my "me" time. So when she stopped sleeping during nap time, we slowly transitioned it to more of a quiet time. At first, she would just lay in bed talking or singing to herself. Then, I let her choose one book to read ... then three books, until one day it became apparent that this girl wasn't going to sleep during the day anymore and she needed more options to keep herself entertained in her room by herself. I reached out Continue Reading
12 Toys & Activities to Keep Your Toddler Busy
The hardest part about being a parent of two so far has been entertaining my toddler, Raylee, while I tend to the baby. When I need to breastfeed Ruthi or put her down for a nap, basically all of my attention needs to go to the baby. That means that Raylee needs to keep herself busy, but she's a toddler so that doesn't come easily. I have been compiling a list of the toys and activities we use to keep our toddler busy. We use these as tools to help her entertain herself so I can focus on the baby when needed. Even if you just have one kid, sometimes mama needs time to check email or make Continue Reading
10 Baby Toys We Love for Our Little One
I always thought baby toys were kind of pointless. I mean, they are babies -- they can't play yet, right? Wrong. Toys help babies learn and develop new skills. Toys for babies are important for a child's development. I didn't realize how much I'd need to keep my little one entertained! She actually gets bored. She needs things that keep her attention, and I need things that keep her happy! After six months, we've learned which toys Raylee likes best. In my opinion and experience, these are the best toys for babies. Do you have any of these for your sweetie? Our Favorite Baby Continue Reading