We have now lived in Louisville for about six weeks or so. For whatever reason, this has been feeling like our hardest move yet. Maybe it's because we are no longer in the military community or we have a toddler this time. We haven't put a lot of our decorations or pictures up because we want to paint first, and I think that's making it feel like it's not home quite yet. I was feeling down and discouraged about this, plus lonely since I don't really have any friends here yet. Then we found a leak in our basement. A leak that must have been there since we moved in and we hadn't noticed Continue Reading
Sunshine Part 3
My sunshine series is a way for me to share my joys with you and make myself see sunshine no matter how dreary the week has been. Here are the ways I've seen sunshine lately: Going to my college homecoming. I saw lots of old friends, got to walk around campus reminiscing, took lots of silly/fun photos with my best friend, ate lunch at a delicious breakfast place we always loved, and enjoyed conversations with close friends. I love my alma mater and cherish all the memories from those four years. I love this picture, except for my red eye :( Spending time with my brother -- shopping and Continue Reading