Remember when I wrote that post about striving for hospitality? Well, I didn't want my hospitality toward my neighbors to end with a plate of brownies. I wanted to do more. Late one night, as I laid in bed trying to sleep while my mind did the opposite of sleep, I remembered reading a post called How to Host an Ice Cream Social This Summer. (Read that post here.) The idea stuck with me. Everyone loves ice cream, right? I worked all the details out in my head that night before eventually falling asleep. The next day, I told my husband about the idea, and to my surprise, he wanted to do Continue Reading
Sunshine Part 3
My sunshine series is a way for me to share my joys with you and make myself see sunshine no matter how dreary the week has been. Here are the ways I've seen sunshine lately: Going to my college homecoming. I saw lots of old friends, got to walk around campus reminiscing, took lots of silly/fun photos with my best friend, ate lunch at a delicious breakfast place we always loved, and enjoyed conversations with close friends. I love my alma mater and cherish all the memories from those four years. I love this picture, except for my red eye :( Spending time with my brother -- shopping and Continue Reading
Sunshine Part 1
I'm going to start a series called "Sunshine," where I just share with you the joys of my recent life. It will help me look for sunshine, whether it be something small like eating ice cream or something big like a miracle from God Himself. I also want to share more pictures with you guys, so this will be a great way to do that. Here's how I've seen sunshine in the past couple weeks: Playing with my beloved boys Cayden and Reed at a family get-together. Let me tell ya, trying to get a (good) photo with these two rascals is quite the task. Here's try #2 Here's try #4: It was Continue Reading