I recently saw a post about things that moms want for Mother's Day. And it was a joke! I do not want a pair of designer sunglasses. Don't buy me a purse or a candle. Nope. As a new mama, I can tell you what moms really want for Mother's Day. Or at least these are the things I want! Mother's Day Gifts for New Mamas 1. Sleep. New mamas get no more than three consecutive hours of sleep at a time for at least a month. Isn't that considered torture to wake someone up constantly so they never get a good night's sleep? I feel like I saw that on an episode of Criminal Minds. Sleep deprivation is Continue Reading
Mother’s Day After Miscarriage
Sunday is almost here. Every commercial, every ad on every website, and everything I see on my Facebook news feed reminds me that Mother's Day is coming. It's just a couple days away. And to be totally honest, I don't know whether I'm ready for it or not. Basically every big or even somewhat big event from the last few months have been reminders of what should have been. The first time I went home to visit was difficult. I knew that everyone should have been oohing and ahhing over my growing belly. When we went to Six Flags, I knew that I should have not been able to ride some of the rides Continue Reading